
Posts Tagged ‘Valentine’s Day

 Animated-picture-of-Valentine-hearts from netanimations.net 3

I love you not only today,

But each and every single day;

It is sometimes hard for me to put into exact words

To try and actually convey;

Because you are my sunshine,

My sweet valentine

And I am so blessed to be able to call you mine.

You are one of the reasons I look forward

 To waking up each new morning

And excited about each new day;

That is because you are so special

 And important to me in every way;

I want you to remember what a great deal you are to me

And let you know since the moment I first met you

My feelings continue to blossom as others can also see

Because my love for you just continues to grow stronger

And I hope that you will always realize my

Heart not only belongs to you today

But forever and longer;

Every time I see your sweet beautiful face

I know I am in the right place,

As my heart always skips a beat

 Every chance we get to meet,

As there is no place I would rather be

But with you, embraced in your arms

For your heart holds that special key.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Animated-valentine-heart-jumping from netanimations.net 2

Animated-picture-of-letter-with-hearts from netanimations.net 1

(Moving pictures are from netanimations.net)


Dedicated to my loving husband, Martin.

I am so blessed to be your wife.

Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetheart!!! ❤

Love Always,

Di ❤

(Music video, “18” is by: One Direction, taken from Youtube.com)

