
Archive for the ‘Breaking up is Hard to Do’ Category

pic of couple breaking up
It is always hard to go through a breakup, especially when you may have invested months or maybe even years into that relationship; it is so hard to except that it maybe finally over. You may have seen it coming or maybe you were blindsided, as deep down in your heart you knew but your mind ignored the warning signs because you refused to believe this could really be happening. You may have thought if I don’t really think about it, it just won’t happen because I don’t want it to. This unfortunately is signs of great denial. We all go through different stages of denial in our lifetime. It is not to say this person may never again be in your life, but it all has to do with what GOD’s plan is for us.

Sometimes it is so difficult after the breakup that it may start to consume your whole life making you dwell with feelings of self-pity and a “poor me” kind of attitude. You may feel like you are no longer good enough, smart enough or even pretty enough. Do not allow this other person to ruin your self-worth because you are very much beautiful, smart and worthy of love and affection. It is just like the saying goes, “If you love something set it free and if it is meant to be it will come back to you.” It is always hard to accept if they don’t come back, but don’t let that bring you down or feel discouraged, as “time does heal all wounds.”

It could take days, months or even years to get through the aftershock of a breakup. While you are dealing with these feelings don’t let them cloud your judgement on the rest of the things going on in your life and self-worth. This is the time to really turn to GOD for his help. If you pray about the situation GOD will give you tremendous strength to get you through.

The important thing to remember is it takes patience, nothing that was built in months or years, can be solved overnight. Sometimes you may ask yourself, “Why me?” “What did I do to deserve this?” The answer is it isn’t you. The two of you may have just grown apart. It happens unfortunately in a lot of relationships. If you were married, then I would tell you to try and make it all work because that is what GOD would want. If it was an abusive relationship though, then you need to stay out of it.

If you are not married take in consideration there may have been a reason the two of you hadn’t committed and maybe in the end it could have actually been a good thing because the ending of the marriage could be even more difficult to deal with, not only emotionally but financially as well.

It is quite common after a breakup to cry at the drop of the hat because that is one of the coping mechanisms are mind does when dealing with grief or pain. This does not make you weak, but human. Sometimes what seems horrible at the time maybe a blessing in disguise because GOD may have someone else in mind for you that are much better suited? It is just like the saying “when a door closes, another one opens.” The same goes in finding someone else to love. I don’t suggest going right out on the dating scene right away, as the relationship you develop from this could be just on the rebound. You should allow yourself some time to spend with your friends and family, so you are surrounded with loved ones.

We may never understand why it had to end the way that it did but, GOD may have bigger plans for you that you just may never have understood at the time. Sometimes these loved ones came into our lives for a reason, maybe it was teach us how to love or maybe it was to teach us one of life’s lessons. It was never a mistake but a learning experience. You will rise above this and you will once again find love. At first, it may be difficult starting all over again, because of trust issues and being scared about being hurt all over again. There is never any guarantee in life but, if you never take the chance to open your heart again, you will be left all alone.

Make sure you allow yourself to have the beauty of love, the opportunity to come back into your life. I know you are fearful but in every good thing in life you need to take risks. The most important thing to get you through this is by praying to GOD for HIS strength. (It does work as it got me through my cancer.) You just need to try and be a little patient more while HE answers our prayers. Sometimes it is not in the ways we may expect or think. HE knows exactly what is best for us, better than we know ourselves. I have had my heart broke several times in my lifetime. It is never easy. If that person was very special to you, they will always hold a special place in your heart.

But, if they don’t feel the same way as you, it is best for both of you if you move forward instead of looking back at all the, “what ifs?” I suggest talking to a close friend who doesn’t mind listening to you repeating yourself on the pain that has been left behind in your heart. Another thing you could do is try writing your feelings out on paper. This is a very healing and productive way of getting through this roadblock in your life. Eventually, with time and patience, your heart will move on and find someone who is deserving of your love. No matter how in the meantime you are feeling, never allow yourself to ever give up. You can and will find love again.

The next time could be even more special than you can imagine.

Sometimes it takes us many frogs before we find that special prince or princess.

pic of moving cat and frog huggingThey are out there waiting for you to hop into their lives. My prayer for those of you reading this today is that GOD will help give you the strength and allow you to come to the realization at just how important you really are and that no one can match up to you because we are all special and unique. It will all happen in good time, and on GOD’s time, as “everything does happen for a reason.” We may not understand the reason or purpose at the time, but later it will all come together and make sense

. You will later look back and realize the life’s lesson that was meant to be learned from that past relationship. Now move forward, holding your head up high and embrace all the wonders of the beautiful gifts GOD has to offer. GOD Bless!! You can do this; you are stronger than you think!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo taken from Office.com)

(Note: Moving picture is taken from netanimations.net)
