
Posts Tagged ‘Bullying in the Workplace

pic of bullyTeenagers - Whispering a Secret

 Are you being bullied or mistreated at work?

This happens to many people unfortunately. It is not just in the schools anymore. There are many coworkers, along with some employers that talk down to their workers and treat them like they are not as intelligent or make them feel like they don’t belong there. They also may gossip or spread rumours, as they are constantly talking about this worker behind their back. This makes those who are being bullied want to quit but unfortunately due to financial burdens they don’t have this option,

so they have to stick it out.

This is so unfair and unjust because not only is it so disrespectful but also very hurtful to the one who is being bullied. It can cause such emotional damage to someone, making them dread going to the workplace. It may also make them feel less self-confident and it could lower their self-esteem as well because they could eventually start believing, that maybe because others are saying it, that it all must be true about their self. If you are one these people being bullied, don’t believe that for a second. The one bullying is behaving in this manner because of his or her’s personal insecurities. You need to remember you are special and you are above whatever they are saying about you. Those who get their kicks out of bullying someone have issues, they may deep down have self-esteem problems, so try to act “BIG”,

so as to feed their ego.

If this is continually happening to you, you need to know this is not acceptable treatment and go to your supervisor and if it is your supervisor doing it, go to his/her boss or take it to the Labor Board. No one deserves to be mistreated in this manner. Another thing you could do is pray for GOD to give you the strength to deal with these issues you have to face. You could also try “praying for those who hurt you” because they are in need of prayers for they don’t see that they are behaving wrongly or in this incorrect manner. Another way is to “kill this person with kindness”, in other words every time they say hurtful things or treat you poorly, you respond kindly and try with all your might to act like it doesn’t bother you and smile in doing so. I know this is easier said than done but it could possibly work. It wouldn’t hurt though to say a little prayer before hand to ask GOD to give you that strength so you are actually able to do it. This could make the task easier for you to accomplish.  Also, if that other person sees that they are not getting to you anymore,

then they might essentially start to back off

 because it is no longer fun to them,

since you are not reacting to their inappropriate acts.

Also if you are another co-worker witnessing this all happening you should stand up for that person by speaking up kindly on the other person’s behalf or go to your boss telling them how your fellow co-worker is being mistreated. Just put yourself in their shoes, wouldn’t you want someone to stand up for you, if you were going through that pain of being bullied? The answer is of course you would, so why not do the same

for this person who is feeling so alone, like no one even cares.

If you are one of those people that do the “bullying,” you need to take a step back and really look at the way you have been acting or behaving. Is it really something to make you feel proud of? If the answer is “yes,” then you really do have issues and you need to realize

it is not making you look “cool”

but the total opposite, as you come off as being really “cruel” instead.

If you treat others the way you would want to be treated, you would gain everyone’s respect in return and you would radiate to others that you are someone who is kind and someone they could look up to.

I am hoping by writing on this subject that I might bring more awareness to “bullying in the workplace.” I have been hearing of this way too much lately that I finally decided this was something important that I needed to get out there. I feel if I can save one person from this kind of pain,

 by me writing this, than it was so worth it.

If you are one of these people being bullied, please choose to never give up and continue to hold your head up high and continue to Pray for those who hurt you.”. You need to pray that they will soon realize their wrongful ways and stop their bullying. You need to also pray for GOD to give you the strength to keep plunging forward. You have in you to do this, you just to have that extra confidence in yourself to believe this is possible. I pray that things will get better for you and that these painful acts soon end.Take care and may GOD  continue to bless your lives with many of HIS blessings.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are taken from Office.com)
