
Archive for the ‘You Make Your Own Destiny’ Category

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You are in charge of your own happiness.

Sometimes we dwell in self-pity because of all the stress.

You can choose to stay unhappy because of it

Or the negative people in your life you can omit.

You need to try and take your focus off all this negative

So you are left feeling more positive.

You need to take a look around

At all your blessings in your life;

If you don’t choose to do this, you will always have strife.

If there is something you have always wanted to do

Why not go out there and make this dream come true.

There may be others that tell you that you will fail or won’t succeed,

Ignore these comments made because

It is just negativity they feed.

If you have a dream of yours, reach for the stars

Don’t let anyone discourage you

Or you will be left with emotional scars.

The only way to succeed in having this dream

 Of yours come true

Is to believe in yourself and what you are capable to do.

If you don’t ever try for this dream of yours

It will never be

Because if you just sit back

This you will never see.

The thing to remember in life is to do what makes you happy

And if it is this big dream you wish for

You go out and try for it

Ignoring those who discourage you any bit;

The only way to make any dream come true

Is for you to make it happen;

“Your world is now your oyster”

Since you went out and decided to take action.

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Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are taken from Office.com)
