
Archive for the ‘You are Loved’ Category

Just know you are loved.
Although with this disease you may seem overcome with pain and rather shoved,
As your life has forced this disease upon you making you feel sometimes that others may not care leaving you feeling painfully unloved.
Because your life has somehow forced you to facing things you were not expecting.
This in some way makes you feel like your life has been put on hold,
While others go on as usual like nothing has changed because of their busy happy households.
These stories are now displayed on face book giving you now a more discouraging outlook
On your life because of the battle
You still need to face.
You are anxiously waiting for the day when this disease will no longer show any trace.
This can happen because you are a fighter.
Give your troubles and sorrows up to GOD.
It will make you feel more joy in your life,
As you are left feeling even lighter
Because GOD is truly Almighty;
You can beat this thing!
Just don’t give up!
GOD can conquer all.
The most important thing is for you to believe this is possible and give it your all.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
