
Archive for the ‘Wish You Could Stay (Loss of a Father)’ Category


We wish you could stay

And never go away.

But unfortunately things don’t always work out that way

Because there always comes that dreaded day;

When no matter how hard we beg and pray

We have to accept the fact that we do not have our say.

 If only you could have been here much longer,

Even if it was for just one more day;

We really wish this was possible in every way.

We will miss your smile and your laughter,

From here on after;

Your memories we will also cherish

And never let them fade away.

We will think of you each and every day.

We know this isn’t a forever thing that we shall be a part.

For one day we will all meet together again

And have a brand new start,

But that next time will be for an eternity

So we shall no longer have to try and mend our broken hearts.

Rest in peace dad

And we will try our best to not always be sad.

We cannot promise no more tears for now,

Because the loss of you makes us feel so bad.

We hope our pain shall lessen and soon be able to disappear,

For now we will continue to hold on to those memories

And cherish them from year to year

Until we meet again dad,

You will continue to remain in our hearts so dear.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


❤ Dedicated in memory of my high school friend,

Brian Hathaway’s dad, Russell “Fred Hathaway” 1944-2014 ❤ )

(Pictures are from netanimations.net)

(The music video entitled, “Heaven Was Needing a Hero,” is taken from youtube.com)

