
Archive for the ‘Winter Time is Here’ Category

pic of heavy-snowfall-in-woods-animated-gif

Do you hear the whistling of the cold winter wind?
Or feel the cool, crisp winter breeze
Running briskly by your cheeks?
It even manages to reach each and every fingertip,
As if it had gone there to seek.
Your lips now sure feel it,
As they are now left dry and chapped.
Although this is a very cold time of year,
It is a very beautiful one as well,
As your surroundings are all mapped
With a cover of a fresh carpet
Of this white, glistening snow.
It is as if nature is cleansing the earth,
With this wet wonder in tow.
Children are running filled with spontaneous laughter,
As there is so much to do such as playing in the snow
And going sledding right after?
There are also the draw backs of winter too,
Shoveling all that snow off
Of our sidewalks and driveways;
Now there is just so much work to do.
I am just so glad that winter is not here with us to stay!
Because the weather is sometimes out of control.
You may finally try and start to achieve your goal,
But unfortunately this work you did might not last,
As long comes the snowplows with their large side rakes.
Now you are definitely left feeling
“When will I ever remove all those snow flakes?”

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo Taken From netanimations.net)

