
Archive for the ‘Uniqueness (Learning Disabilities)’ Category

Are you or someone you know struggling with a learning disability?
It is making you feel frustrated and so angry that you are left with hostility.
Maybe it is having problems with one
Or more of the areas of reading, writing and arithmetic.
This causes you great sadness, as you try to keep up
With the rest of the class and you feel that this should all be logic.
But to you it takes an extra effort,
Whereas to others it comes easy to them and very quick.
Sometimes when you are alone trying to do these things
You get into a sudden panic.
Inside you wish if only you didn’t have these disabilities,
As you feel that everyone will make fun of you because that is all they see.
We are all special and unique; maybe you may not be great academically
But GOD has given you other gifts, which don’t require you to be brainy.
Everyone has special talents we may not first come to realize
But if we pray to GOD and stop focusing on what
We are lacking, you will see there is something amazing
About each human being;
Don’t focus on what you don’t have and what appears to be in far reach.
But focus on the blessings you do because GOD gave them to each.
You are special, you are unique and you are valuable
And it doesn’t matter if you are not a scholar
Because to GOD you are bright, very much loved and a dazzler.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
