
Archive for the ‘Tomorrow is Never Promised’ Category

    pic of Terry Archibald for blog (blue waters and blue sky)

Tomorrow is never promised so why put off what you can do today?

Make that call to your friend or family member and do so right away.

If there is someone you need to say “sorry” to

 Or possibly need to forgive, don’t push them further away.

Life is a gift most of us seem to take for granted,

As sometimes we don’t realize how truly we have been blessed.

 Don’t let it be too late, for one day we may not be here

To spend time with those we love,

Because our loved ones could be later

 Called home from GOD up above;

Savour each moment, and cherish every minute

Make wonderful memories while your time here still lasts.

Since our Lives are gifts that are here on lease so

 Make the most of your time, as to allow the great times to outlast.

Those who choose to put off things,

Including spending time with those they care about;

End up living the remainder of their lives in pain,

Sorrow and with deep regret.

But you have the power to change and prevent this same kind of

Outcome because you are still here as of yet;

Live your lives like there is no tomorrow.

Live each day as a cherished gift

Because this joy you will find brings many an uplift.

So go out there and live each moment

Not just looking through an open window

But getting out there and participating in life,

And enjoying every single rainbow,

Rather than just sitting back watching your lives fly rapidly by.

Enjoy everything life has to offer,

Including the beauty that lies all around us,

Such as the deep blue waters and the beautiful powder blue sky;

All of this brings true happiness in life

And it is something money just can’t buy.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

      pic taken by Terry Archibald 3      pic taken by Terry Archibald 2

(Photography is by: Terry Archibald, Milton, Ontario, Canada)

(Photo at the top of the page is of  the photographer, Terry Archibald)
