
Archive for the ‘Time Well Spent’ Category

pic of no cell phone

Put away your cellphone and your electronics

 Even if it’s just for one day;

Try going for a walk instead

Or boating along the bay;

There is also having fun with playing board games

As many family and friends like to enjoy and play.

You may tend to miss your electronics when they are put away,

For that is all you have come to learn and know

 In this modern day,

But enjoy the time well spent with family and friends

As our life here is only on lend

Because it is to be cherished for time does go by pretty fast

And you just never know how long our life shall ever last.

Friends and family is what truly should matter

 As you will later come to learn and know

Because people are more essential than electronics

As electronics are just “things” for show

Because do you really need to use your phone

Literally everywhere you may go?

The time with family and friends is

What should be most important,

As that is how true happiness in life shall ever grow.

So why not try putting away the electronics more

Because a happier future with friends

And family could be what is now left in store

For more time spent with them is what they truly adore.


Written By: Diane Van Bommel


pic of family and friends at Burk's Falls 

(The picture at the top of the page is from Office.com

and the photo above is with family and friends at Burk’s Falls)

pic of time for blog

(Picture taken from GodVine.com)
