
Archive for the ‘Time’ Category

Sometimes time goes by very slow
This is when things go wrong right in a row.
Or other moments way too fast
When wonderful things start to take place at last,
Unfortunately, we are not always in control of our present,
Future and even past,
We need to enjoy what we do have now,
So cherish every second
You have been given.
This is to say take pleasure in every moment;
You are here on earth now living.
Try not to fret the small stuff
And give the big stuff to God.
At times like these, it feels like you have had just enough
Because things had gotten that rough;
We need to take the time to value every family and friend,
Making any possible changes to our relationships, that may need to mend.
Let them know how much we really appreciate them so.
This is very important for everyone to know
Because we never can tell when our time might be up
Or where in our lives, we will wind up.
And that is when God will later call, when HE is wishing on us to send,
For our future life to be with HIM then,
An eternity of happiness
That will no longer come to any death defying end.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
