
Archive for the ‘Thunderstorms’ Category



How do you feel about thunderstorms?

Do they frighten you?

Or do you find them calming to watch?

That you take the time in keeping track

Of the thunder claps on your stopwatch;

As a little girl my family and I would sit on the front porch

And watch as the storms would hit,

Soon the sky from the lightning would be well lit.

My siblings would count the seconds

Between when the lightning would strike.

This was the part of the storms that they really did like.

Thinking this would help determine

Just how far the lightning was actually away.

We often wondered just how long the storms might stay.

The wind would then usually pick up spraying us

With rain blowing our way.

I found it beautiful to watch nature

As we all stopped what we were doing just to observe.

We would talk and laugh with one another.

It was so great to have this alone time together.

I think it is because I did this as child

That most storms don’t seem to bother me much.

They probably would if I was all alone as such.

I remember someone saying “just pretend that your loved ones

Are bowling up in heaven

And that when you hear thunder from the lightning strike,

 It is them getting a strike up in heaven.”

pic of bowling pins for blog

That is a good way to think of it if you are someone

That is absolutely terrified of them

As you have always been since you can remember way back when.

Maybe if you try putting your mind to a different

 Perspective of the storm,

The storm won’t seem so scary.

And you may even feel more bravely,

Surprising yourself as when a storm now hits

You react more calmly.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 (Pictures are taken from Office.com)
