
Archive for the ‘The Stranger’ Category

The Stranger
One evening, on the way home from work I stopped by at a variety store to pick up some milk. While I was shopping in there I caught the eye of a stranger, who happened to be a police officer purchasing a sub. I didn’t recognize him and being from a small town almost everyone knows everyone, or at least one may have seen them around before. Well anyways that gut feeling was there that day to talk to this stranger, who happened to be a police officer. I thought to myself, “I don’t know him. Why does GOD want me talking to him?”

After making my small purchase I was trying to get up the nerve to talk to him because I was listening to that gut feeling to do so but, I just couldn’t, as I was chickening out. I thought again to myself, “This stranger is going to think I am either crazy or trying to come on to him”, Lol, so I just quickly went out the door without even muttering a word. I had then gotten into my van but, there was almost like a sense of guilt, for not listening to GOD as I have learned that those strong gut feelings do actually in fact come from HIM. I just sat there thinking I should just see why GOD wants me to talk to this stranger, so as I had been sitting in my vehicle almost just ready to drive away, I hesitated because I saw the police officer coming out to his car. I then geared up the courage and finally rolled down my window to finally talk to this stranger.

Wow, was this ever awkward for me! I had then spoke to this police officer asking him if he shopped there often and then I ended up babbling on about the school discount card you could purchase for $20 to get discounts all year round in the local businesses, including where he had just bought his sub. He then responded that he wasn’t from around here but he thought it sounded like a good deal he should mention to his girlfriend. (“I knew it”. I said to myself smiling,” “just like I thought he wasn’t from around here.” This made me even more puzzled to as why GOD wanted me to speak to this stranger.) I was then about to pull away out of the parking lot, but that gut feeling to talk to this stranger still wouldn’t go away. This feeling was now growing increasingly stronger saying, “now talk to him, ask him if he knows your brother, Frank Neilson, who was another police officer.

For some reason this inner voice/gut feeling had wanted me to mention my brother. I had a brother-in-law and also a friend who were also police officers but for some reason that gut feeling of mine
didn’t encourage me to mention their names;

Well when I did just that and had asked the police officer about my brother, he responded by saying, “I know him. Your brother, Frank was actually in an accident tonight and I was the police officer called on the scene and made out the report.” Wow, my heart sank and it had started racing. I felt a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach, as I then asked this stranger stammering, “Is, is my brother alright?” “Oh yes”, he responded. “He is perfectly fine. He just hit a deer on the way home from work.” I then asked if my brother’s car was a right off but he said, “Oh no, it just took out some lights and there wasn’t too much damage.” Wow, I could finally feel my heart getting back to a normal rhythm. I was so relieved that my older brother was just fine but, to make me feel better I had decided to call and talk to him myself when I got home, just to give myself a complete piece of mind.

When I finally did arrive home I had dialed his number and asked for him but his wife told me he was soaking in the tub. (No doubt after what he went through I thought; he must be stressed out.) I then asked, my sister-in-law how he was doing. She was taken back and very surprised asking how did I know and how did I even find out. She then said, “I am sorry Diane for not telling you but we didn’t tell anybody because we didn’t want anyone to worry, as he is just fine.” I smiled to myself and later responded, “My gut feeling told me. You see if you guys don’t tell me, GOD will.” She was like, “Wow, isn’t that something!” I could tell by her voice and her reaction she was quite taken back.

Well my brother called the following Sunday at my parents’ house to talk to me and I had asked him if he had heard how I had known about his accident. He then said he hadn’t, so I told him the whole story. He then later replied, “Isn’t that something?” I smiled to myself, “Yes, I know,” I said “
and you see if you don’t tell me GOD will!”

This true story teaches you we need to always be obedient to GOD’s words. If I hadn’t listened to HIM that day I may have never known about what had happened to my brother, Frank. GOD was trying to warn me about my brother so I wouldn’t worry about him because maybe if I would have heard the news second hand it would have caused me extra stress. It was quite something that it was actually the police officer who was actually there shortly after the scene of the accident to do my brother’s accident report to be the one to have told me. It just goes to show even though we may have fear of feeling embarrassed, sometimes we still need to follow through with what our gut feeling is telling us. Because GOD has a purpose or meaning that HE is trying to communicate
or maybe reach out to teach us.

GOD will later reward you for listening and being obedient, not only to HIS word
But for also being HIS faithful servant in complying with what HE has asked of you.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: The name or names in this story may have been changed to protect their privacy of the individual (s).)
