
Archive for the ‘The Special Delivery’ Category

Many years ago when I was either in my late 20’s or early 30’s I said to GOD, “One day I would like to feel so well-loved , not that I don’t feel loved now but I would just like to feel just one day so very well loved.”
Well that day I had prayed about finally came, not in the way I had ever expected though, as it came to be several years later, at the age of 42. This happened to be shortly after being diagnosed with my breast cancer.

It happened as I was sitting down at my kitchen stool, I heard a friendly knock at my front door. There staring through my front glass French doors, was a lady I recognized that used to go to my church that had moved some years back to Chatham. Here she was standing in my front door way with a huge bright smile holding the most beautiful red and pink roses I have ever seen.
(Apparently, she had learned of my cancer when my mom had stopped to pick flowers up where she had worked.)

She then spoke, “I brought you these flowers so you would feel so well loved.”
Wow! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I then cried, “Those were the words I had asked of GOD, years earlier”. (But, there was no way of her knowing this because I said it to GOD when I was alone with HIM in a private conversation.)
She then had responded saying, “I didn’t even know where you lived exactly but, I felt as though I was guided here
and sure enough I read your name on your mailbox and here I am.”.
This is just amazing! The funny thing was is she even had bought “red” roses which red just so happened to be my favourite colour
and she didn’t even know that about me.

Since that day she has brought me two more bouquets of flowers since.
The second time she came, I was lying in bed recovering from the side effects from my flu shot. I felt so sick to my stomach
that I was forced to stay in bed once again due to my immune system being down.
The day beforehand I had been spoiled by a pharmacist friend with beautiful purple, pink and white flowers. They were so unbelievably gorgeous and there was one particular flower that stood out in the bouquet and that it had a unique looking spiky pink and white flower called, a “spider mum” in it. I remember thinking what a neat looking flower I have never seen anything like it before.

Well low and behold that lady who had brought those roses when I was first diagnosed had once again made another special delivery of flowers, this time being a whole bright, vibrant orange and white spider mums, and entire bouquet of that flower in a different colour than the pink and white .I had just mentioned to myself the day before how much I loved that flower. The funny thing was is that she had no idea of this flower that I had liked because the other ones had come from another florist in town. I had just been lying there in bed prior before her coming, laying there feeling sorry for myself, feeling this just isn’t fair- the cancer, now this!

The timing couldn’t have been once again so perfect as my spirits were so down. I was feeling so discouraged as I had been helping a 91yr. elderly woman, volunteered at the nursing home,( where I had grown attached to so many patients ) and I also had been once a week spending time with my dear uncle who has been suffering from major depression, who had now became such a dear friend to me. Here I was hoping to help all these people
and I was now having a hard time helping myself.

I was missing spending time with all these people. The only one I was able to keep seeing was the elderly 91 yr old woman that I take care of still each night, with my husband driving me most nights. The others I haven’t got to see because of my chemo treatment and the flu outbreaks. The flowers immediately brightened up my spirits and I felt guilty because here it was the same person buying me more.

This lady was persistent as she came back once again, a third time with another spider mum bouquet similar to my last one, this time a few days before Christmas saying, “Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Diane! I know these are not really Christmas flowers but I knew you loved them.” Wow! There was no way of controlling the tears that were now continuously running down from my cheek. I then spoke between tears saying, “Oh no, you are going to go broke buying me so many flowers!” She laughed, “Oh Diane, I work at the florist remember? I get a discount.” “Even still you have done so much for me;
You are becoming such a dear friend to me.”

This wasn’t the only special delivery I received as I received many other gifts from so many other people during this journey; two in particular that shocked me were: a music box and a homemade quilt which GOD is the only one that knew that I had always wanted as a very young girl.

This story proves that GOD reaches out to us through the kindness of others by giving them these gut feelings to do something special to encourage or help others. The funny thing is the “flower lady” in this story doesn’t even realize this because I told her she must be in close and in sync with GOD because after all, she said the words I had said to HIM and brought the flowers I had been admiring just the night before, unbelievable! She still didn’t think so, but I think she was just being modest and she is one of those nicest people that you could meet that are the sweetest and just don’t want to receive any credit for what they do. You know who you are out there, “flower lady”; thank you, once again for brightening up my days with all those colourful blooms! ;0)

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
