
Archive for the ‘The Secret Crush’ Category

She had just turned 16 years of age, a few days ago.

She had liked the same boy now for two years in a row

And every day she went to school riding on the bus,

She would see this tall dark haired and handsome boy,

Walking by her seat none the less;

Every time he did her stomach did flip flops,

As if a butterfly was fluttering around.

One day when he brushed her shoulder accidentally,

She almost slipped out of her seat and fell to the ground.

Her pale face turned rosier than

A bright coloured light glistening from a Christmas tree.

She wanted to almost hide under her seat

Because she was afraid her face would give it away for others,

Including him to see;

All at once the books from her lap came crashing down making

The most annoying loud slapping sound;

There was no way of hiding the embarrassment the young girl felt

As all eyes were on her, when she looked around;

The young boy then stood up from his seat and walked over

To the floor where the young girl’s books were now found;

He picked them up smiling with the most gorgeous dimple smile

And handed the books in her hands;

She shyly muttered, “thank you” through the few hair strands

 That had fallen down across her face.

He was suddenly standing within inches of her private space.

The young boy in a deep confident voice then responded by saying,

“My pleasure_______.” (With hesitation)

“Sarah” the young girl blushed.

“It is nice to meet you Sarah.”

And suddenly the whole bus became hushed.

You could almost hear a pin drop.

The young boy named, “Charles” then asked for Sarah’s number

Before the bus halted at her bus stop;

Sarah later learned after several talks with Charles

 That he too had a crush on her

And if it hadn’t been for the fact

She dropped her books that one day,

He may have never had the courage to put his heart on display.

It is now six years later

And Sarah & Charles are now standing up at the church altar

Saying their vows;

Sarah nervously almost drops her ring

And Charles smiles back with his dimply, mischievous grin,

Along with raising a funny look with his eyebrows.

This reminded him of the day they had officially met.

That day low in behold to Sarah he was nervous too,

As he could literally feel the palms of his hands that day sweat.

It was her shyness that day in which had first attracted him to her

And they had been together ever since.

There has hardly been a day in his life that they have been apart

Because to Sarah, Charles has always been her prince;

He has been happier now than he ever thought possible

 And there has been not one day of regret.

Charles now looks forward to spending the rest

Of his life with this young woman six years ago he had met.

Sarah had captured his heart

From the very start;

Sarah too has never been happier for

 She never would of thought that crush

Of hers would ever come true

And now here she is today reciting her vows

With her young prince in saying, “I do!”

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


 (Picture is from netanimations.net)

(This music video, “”Crush,” By: Mandi Moore is from YouTube.com)
