
Archive for the ‘The Roads of Life’ Category

 SIDEWAYS-CAR4 moving animation

There are many roads in life that take us through

Our journeys here on earth;

It starts from the moment we are born, at our birth.

Some of us start out with a bumpy road

While others start out with a smoother crossroad;

Sometimes we go through some roads that are like gravel,

In other words they are rough

 And if we go too fast or are not careful enough

 We could lose control.

This is when we get caught up in alcohol, drugs

Or something that we know we shouldn’t be doing

That is damaging to the soul.

This will lead you to the steep hill roads

  That are so difficult to climb,

Feeling as though you are carrying a heavy load in no time,

But if we choose to work on improving ourselves

Then we can make it to the top.

Once you make it there

It is like a fun ride, just like the exciting drop

On a roller-coaster ride;

Sometimes when we reach the bottom

Things that had improved in your life may have now changed

Making you want to run away and hide.

These are the moments though that we may get stuck

On what road in life that we should then take

Because we are worried if we take the wrong one then

Our happiness in life may break.

We may not always start out by taking the right road

But consider those wrong turns as lessons to be learned.

Eventually you will be on the right path you need to be on

And sometimes it happens when this you have actually earned.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(The pic at the top of the page is  from a very talented,

” Elvis Weathercock” who has created this moving animated gif at netanimations.net)

(Bottom picture is from Godvine.com)

(Note: This title I came up with from my daughter, Kiara. I later went on to YouTube to see if I could find a song to match and low and behold I found this one with the same title. It was from a soul artist legend, Bobby Womack)

 (This music video is taken from Youtube.com of the Soul Brother, artist, legend, (R.I.P) Bobby Womack)


(This pic below is an OM-Times Magazine’s Photo)

pic of someone going down the road with horse

pic for The Roads of Life poem
