
Archive for the ‘The Power of Forgiveness’ Category

Day by day
Little by little
We are hopeful
Of new beginnings, happy endings
And great relationships with friends and siblings
Which are many of our great blessings;

Life is not always going to be perfect and run smoothly, as we all hope it to be.
Sometimes we are going to have to face struggles or battles
And many heated arguments in our life that we may unfortunately tend to see.

If this happens to you, the most important thing to remember is forgiveness.
Many people hold on to anger and stop talking to their friends
and their loved ones because they can’t let go of the pain,
As they feel blameless.

But in truth no one is guiltless. “It takes two to tango so to speak”
And maybe it is now you who need to go to GOD and spend more time with HIM in prayer,
So the knowledge you will now be able to further seek.

Your faith in GOD keeps your faith on track.
This in turn allows you to have no regrets when looking back

And makes all the areas in your life to run more smoothly;
It also allows you to rationalize more
So you can act and feel more calmly.

I know you may have heard this phrase, “Life is too short”
over a thousand times but there is much truth to it
And that is why you need to treat the people in your life
With love and respect and actually commit.

This allow yourselves to open your hearts more for a greater opportunity
To forgive and release that anger like you should,
Because nothing ever good comes out of being hateful
And you will feel weighed down with sadness
As well as pain, like one in this situation often would.

Love more, forgive more and hate less.
Your lives will deepen with love and joy,
Which you will now continue to possess.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

I had woke up early in the middle of the night feeling compelled to write one of my writings. The words spilled out of me quickly as I wrote the writing. It didn’t take me long before I had soon finished, going back to bed. The next morning as I awoke I was anxious to share what I had written from the night before. I immediately had called my sister up and read it to her. She had said, “There is definitely something to your writing” and she asked me who I thought it was meant for. I replied, “I think God wants it for all those who can’t forgive.” She then had asked me if I thought it might be possible that part of it was for me. I couldn’t understand what she was trying to get at as I told her there is no one I need to forgive, “I don’t hate anyone.” She than told me to look at the words more closely that I had written. She told me, “Remember the pain and grief you have been carrying from an old best friend?” It had been over 8 years since we last hung around. She had cut me out of her life entirely and I never truly understood the reason why. I had tried different times over the years to get in touch with her and make amends but, she always avoided my calls. I eventually gave up and tried to forget about the friendship we once shared. My sister was now telling me I need to call this person up to read it. I thought there is no way! I told my sister, “She won’t even answer anyway.” I finally agreed, as to get my sister off my back. This time when I called instead of saying, “please answer”; I said, “Please don’t answer” but, by the final ring she picked up. I was actually shocked. I than babbled on about my religious retreat and how I started doing religious writing and how just that morning I wrote something that my sister had felt she was supposed to hear. I had asked if she’d mind if I read it to her. She responded differently than I had anticipated. She had said, “Sure.” After hearing what I wrote, she said “no word of a lie but, I had just prayed this week for a healing and the words in your writing have just answered my prayer from God.” She was so happy for this healing! We apologized to one another. It was absolutely amazing! I never even realized that God had intended on this healing to take place from getting me to write this writing. This truly was indeed a very special miracle that took place. We are now very much a part of each other’s lives and we are starting to catch up on all the years we have lost. See God does answer our prayers. We just need to be very patient and never give up because God doesn’t give up on us.
This writing has since gotten others to forgive people in their lives that they said they would never talk to again, much less forgive. One woman even forgave someone on his dying bed.
Since that moment she has felt a weight lifted off of her and she said she used to be afraid to be by herself and now God has rewarded her by taking all the fear from her, as she has no problem being by herself now. So you see, God can still work miracles but we need to do our part in being more forgiving of others.
(The title, “The Power of Forgiveness”, didn’t actually come to me, until after I witnessed the power of this writing. I then thought what a fitting title from what happened after people reading it and what happened to myself.)

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Don’t let hatred obstruct your vision.

Don’t put all of your energy into hating.
Focus on doing something positive with it.
If someone has hurt you somehow; Rise above it, and do something good for others.
I had someone when I was very young really hurt me.
They ridiculed me and continuously made fun of me in front of my peers.
I lived with this pain of not fitting in and belonging for
I could have become bitter or dwelt
in self-pity and held my anger in my heart for many years.
But, instead I put that energy to greater use and I actually started visiting this person’s parent in a nursing home.
I never shared these sorrows with him but just gave my love as I knew best;
Because I could see, this person needed to see God’s Love into action.
Many people stay out of nursing homes or hospitals because they are afraid
Or sometimes just don’t care.
So most die alone
With so much to bear;
Every one of us is God’s people.
Show them we care,
Spend time with them.
It’s not much to ask.
Would you want to die alone?
That would be such a dreadful task.
You feel what is in it for me?
You see the rewards are great.
You spread God’s love and it goes all around
And comes back.
You are feeding your heart and soul.
It maybe such a short visit to someone.
But will mean so much to him/her that someone took the time to come out there and actually showed they cared.
Open your heart,
And be there for someone.
It is what God wants.
He wants us to show our compassion to others.
Your generosity won’t go unrecorded, when it comes to your final day, as in Judgement Day;
Everything you say and do will be accounted for
And God will be definitely grateful to you for all the kindness you have shown so unselfishly and gave to His people.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Has someone hurt you so badly?
And now sadly you are holding
On to that anger and not letting it go.

You need to not dwell on the pain that they caused you,
or you are setting yourself up for constant heartache and failure.
It will be as if you are now carrying around
A ball and a chain; this is like punishing yourself
Because you keep this heavy burden upon your chest;

You need to reach out to God and ask HIM
To help you let it go and forgive.
It is not truly until then that you can really allow yourself to be set free,
leaving with you an inner peace
So your body and soul can finally be at rest.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

pic of forgive and live

You cannot live one more second,
Wishing I should have done this
or I should have done that.
You need to forgive now.
You have built a stone wall, in your heart.
How can anyone get through?
Let alone God,
If you want to have, that special relationship with Our FATHER,
You need to forgive others.
Let down your guard,
The time is now.

Don’t waste another second, of any hour, of any day,
You do not want anything coming in between Him or you,

When it comes to that Final Day.

No one knows when that day will finally come.
It could be today or
It could be tomorrow.
The fact is time, is too precious to even predict;
So take hold now and
Forgive, Forgive, And Forgive!

If it was someone who did you wrong,
Let go of the pain.
It is not worth the grief it causes.
You need to tell that person, “I do forgive” and let it go.
It is not until then,
You can really have that relationship with GOD.
Tell that person you love him or her;
It is not as hard as you think.
You would be surprised; at how really easy it is to do.
Take a chance,
What do you have to lose?
You have nothing to lose but yet everything to Gain;
Including a peace with in your heart and soul,
And when it comes to your Final day, Judgement Day,
You will reap the rewards!
And stand before the Lord our God,

To be accepted into His Kingdom with opening arms.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

.(Picture is from Forgive and Live)
