
Archive for the ‘The Phone Call’ Category

pic of phone

The phone rang in the distance and through the device a voice

 Could be heard of my mother leaving a message;

The ringer had been turned off for me to try and get some rest

This was the only time I could attempt to get some sleep at best.

This was because of the sleepless night

I had of the previous and many nights before.

Unfortunately though, I had then just missed her call.

My stomach felt in knots, as my body trembled,

For I feared I could literally then bawl.

There was something not right in the sound

Of my mom’s voice, I quickly thought.

She had asked for me to return her call in an anxious trembling voice,

That my ears had then caught;

As I picked up the phone to dial her number my fingers were shaking

And I was thinking, what could possibly be wrong?

My mother had answered on the other end,

As my heart continued to pound in my chest for so long;

 Her voice sounded still anxious but now of someone

Who was rather in a state of sudden relief.

“Thank GOD I finally got a hold of you.

I have been trying to reach one of my kids

But there was no one I could reach until you.”

She then rambled on about my dad not doing well

 And cancelling going into work for that day by calling the elderly lady

To explain the story of my father to tell.

It almost sounded to me as though my mom was in a bit of shock.

You see my parents have been happily married for over 55 years

And he had always been her rock.

I then asked if she had called 911

And her response was, “I was waiting to get a hold of one you kids first,

 So as to not worry any of you, as to where dad and I were.”

I immediately told my mom to hang up with me and make that important call,

 As every second as everyone knows is extremely crucial to all;

The ambulance soon arrived with its deafening siren and colourful flashing lights

This would soon grab attention, as they were so very bright;

The ambulance attendants put my dad on a stretcher

And brought him in their vehicle inside

 And my mom proceeded by being at my daddy’s side.

They were both rather scared as my dad was now over 81 years of age

And with that there was a higher risk to whatever possibly might go wrong,

Because my dad was feeling very weak, rather than very strong;

Could my dad be able to hold on and continue to survive?

I was still at my home and the make-up I had put on was wearing off,

As I could not keep myself from crying,

I wasn’t ready to lose him, not quite yet,

Christmas was just around the corner.

“Please GOD I begged, please let my dad stay alive.”

I pleaded through the tears that continue to make my eyes sting.

I did not know what my family’s future would then bring.

I kept my phone close by

And tried to remain strong

Desperately trying not to cry;

The time seemed like hours before I learned he would be okay.

I thanked GOD for giving him another day,

Which I have been hoping will continue to always be that way.

I am not ready to lose my parent as there is so much more I need to say.

There is also so much for us to do together.

That is why I beg anyone who is at outs

With their parents who are reading this today

To make amends with their loved one(s)

Because time with them we should hold dear.

We may never get that second chance like I have been given

To tell that loved one how much we actually love them.

That is because all of our futures are unknown to us,

As they remain very unclear.

GOD is our author, our creator, the writer of our book.

HE decides on who stays and who shall remain in the lives of our storybook.

That is why we should never take anyone for granted

And let them ever become overlooked.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

pic of my mom and dad

 (The doctors have determined that my dad had suffered some mini strokes in the past, but not at present. They found it now had something to do with his ear that affected his balance and they are not concerned about his health. He was put on some antibiotics to help his body heal. It felt so good to hold my dad in his arms that night and exchange our loving words to each other. I am so blessed to still have my parents in my life. If you still have yours, make sure you appreciate the time you have left with them, as it should be cherished.)

The photograph at the bottom of the page is of my parents,

Jim and Margaret Carter 🙂

(The photo at the top of the page is from Office.com)

