
Archive for the ‘The Need for Acceptance’ Category

Sometimes things or situations happen in your life that make you left feeling saddened and in despair. You wonder why it couldn’t be different; why couldn’t you have been liked? So you too could have been invited. But, later you may come to realize if things didn’t happen the way they did your life would have taken a different path and it’s because of some of these trials and pains we had to go through is what makes us into who we are today. Be proud of who you are, and don’t let others judge you. Sometimes we just need or want to fit in. It’s okay to want this acceptance but, you don’t need to please others, only God. You need not to let go of the important things in your life and that is having God as one of the most important things in it. Sometimes we become so self-absorbed in life and forget the pain we may cause to others and God. It is not too late to be happy, do it for yourself and God; don’t worry about doing it for others just to please them. You need to stop waiting for acceptance because it may never come. Be content and happy that you are taking the right path towards the light. Continue to care for others, and help pray for those who need our prayers because they are in need of God’s guidance. In worrying less for the pleasing of others we are finally coming to the acceptance of one self. When this change takes place in you true happiness will soon follow because you are now pleasing yourself more and more importantly pleasing God. This is because you are choosing to care more about what God thinks rather than the unnecessary approval from others.
Live life, enjoy life! And don’t forget to show God’s love to his people; it is in this that they too may open up their hearts to HIS.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
