
Archive for the ‘The Formula for Happiness/ Hoarding’ Category

I watched a program just the other day all about “hoarding .What is it you must say?
This is a prime example about what happens when it comes to wanting
Too many items, which you are now just boarding;
It can lead you to wanting too many desires,
That you’re actually continuously searching through the sales flyers.
It will lead you in all actuality to having this illness, as it has now become an addiction.
In your family this may cause much friction.
You want everyone’s junk, for you feel it is too good to just throw away.
The best thing you can do when it comes to other person’s junk
is to just stay away.
At first these things may be a hard thing to do,
But, it will help you not to cave
Or otherwise you are just making your own grave.
This addiction comes with some emotional baggage as well,
But,with GOD there with you this possible to overcome,
And to accomplish this you will have now won.
Just think about all the good you would have done.
And how good you would feel and
You could quite possible save yourself from going to the hospital.
These things you will choose to give away
Help others who have nothing.
But in order to achieve this you must get rid of all this stuffing.
To give what you may feel to be precious may actually become
A lifesaver to them,
And leave more room in your den.
As Christians we need to share our love with one another,
Because our greed will take over our happiness
and it could even cause you to become feeling under the weather.
In the end after you accomplish this task,
And beat this defeat;
Your life as you know it will feel much more complete.
So try and stay away from these things that shouldn’t matter
So you can avoid such clutter,
And try putting God and love on your special platter.
God will be much happier that you put HIM first,
And it will make you feel you can beat the worst.
Just remember it is good to hold on to some treasures
Because after all they do bring us some pleasure
If you just keep a few.
Because to hold on to too many,
It becomes like the flu,
An unwilling illness
That takes over you.
But this hoarding will than to start to take over your day, and night.
This can also bring you so much pain,
That at times you may feel you are going insane.
It feels like you are now fighting for your life.
This not only causes you grief, but your loved ones as well
Maybe even your husband or wife.
This is when you need to ask God’s help to with this addiction.
Before this becomes too much of an affliction.
Hoarding can also be a danger to your health,
Not only could this it affect your wealth.
You may buy, but never give away or it’s just that you can never
Throw away as you say.
This can actually do more harm than good.
You would really want to throw away these things if you could.
This can also become a health hazard if it hasn’t already or
Even so much as a fire hazard
because there is barely a pathway to get through.
If a fire were to start it will grow until it grew.
If this is your life ask God to help you through
That you may start thinking of giving, instead of these things
Sticking in your home like glue.
You can give to the less fortunate, and to think how much
Money you’d save.
It’s a hard thing to do.
It comes with some emotional baggage as well,
But think at how many times you nearly fell.
But, with God in your life you can make yourself well
Because with God all things are possible
If you just choose to believe.
Just think about how good you’d feel
To help others who have virtually nothing
Because if we don’t, our greed will take over our happiness.
It could even cause you to become under the weather.
In the end after to accomplish this task
Your future and your home will look much brighter
As you chose to put all this will power so you would be defeated..
Your life as you know it will be more complete.
So try and stay away from these things that shouldn’t matter
And try putting more important things like God and love on your life platter.
God will feel much happier you see because you chose to put HIM first,
And this will make you feel you can now accomplish the worst.
Just remember it is good to hold on to some treasures
Because they do after all bring us some pleasures.
If only you hang on to just a few,
But to hold on to too many, it becomes like the flu,

To which in turn takes over you.
So if you remember this little saying
You shall be able to get on your way.
Now with God’s help your happiness is here to stay!
Note: to understand the concepts mentioned earlier in this poem
you may want to refer to my previous poem entitled “The Formula for Happiness”.
This will give you a better explanation of these following concepts.
Too much gain – leading to desires and furthermore can lead to possible addictions.
What had started out as your happiness has now only bringing you nothing but grief?

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


While listening to the Christian radio station,
They talked about the happiness to life equation.
In order to succeed we need to stay away from evil deeds.
These will act like weeds and take away all our goodness we need.
The only equation to life that will make you really happy is
Godliness + Contentment = Great Gain
The only way we will be content is to be happy with whom we are
and what we have or you’ll live your life always in pain.
It’s okay to want gain for God does want us to succeed.
But, be careful this does not all lead to greed.
This also may lead to temptations or wrong desires.
Be aware to live your life right, because you never know
Time may expire.
If you live your life not with contentment you are causing
A lot of negativity,
This is no good as you are jeopardizing your longevity.
It can also cause ruin and destruction, grief and wanting desires.
These could lead to temptations even making us liars.
Also lead to possible addictions;
This can cause unwanted afflictions.
God wants to see a good attitude.
HE expects this from every one of you.
If you choose to live your life in constant negativity,
You are setting yourself
up for a very miserable existence.
So why not try and turn your attitude around,
I know this may all sound very profound.
But this could help you keep your feet on the ground.
Why not try and put all this negative energy and channel into
something good by helping others and doing this with consistency.
Your good deeds will go unnoticed as God Himself does see.
There is only way to get to Heaven,
And that is by taking the right road,
Unfortunately there is no other code.
For this to achieve,
We need to be the best that we can be.
There is one more thing we should try to remember
and that is the formula for life,
As well as being also good to your husband/wife.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
