
Archive for the ‘The Beauty of Trees’ Category

Trees are one of nature’s wonders
But are at risk for being cut down,
If it isn’t for the support of many voters;
Eventually many of these won’t be around.
Trees are not only beautiful to see,
But provide shade for both you and me.
Trees are also important for our survival,
As they also clean out the air that we do breathe.
Trees can also provide us with so much enjoyment to receive
And one to which is by providing a sound barrier
To even drown out loud sounds, like cars driving by.
These beautiful treasures also provide animals
With shelter and a wonderful home;
This goes the same too, for the birds in the sky,
But unfortunately these living creatures
And feathery friends may soon be at risk or possibly even die,
As humans may soon go out with the trees and destroy.
There also goes the enjoyment of a nice stroll or a walk that is brisk
For every man, woman, girl and boy;
Many will then miss out on the wonderful scenery through nature’s woods,
This is one of nature’s enjoyments to experience
And many would have loved to do, if only they still could.
We need to take a stand now before it becomes too late
Or unfortunately the future for these trees,
Will come to an unwanted and rather a hastily abrupt fate;
That is why it is so important to stand up for what we do believe in,
Or our lives as we know it will take a tail spin.
Trees have so much more to offer us
Because they can also provide us with many bonuses,
As increasing the property’s appearance
And value which is a great plus;
There are so many positives for keeping these trees around,
Rather than uplifting them from the ground.
If it isn’t us to speak out for these trees
And the living creatures who rely on them for warmth,
Security and shelter from the cool air breeze
Who will do it?
That’s why it’s up to you and me.
It is also why I am begging each and every one of you to do so now, “Please!”

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
