
Archive for the ‘THANK YOU For Being YOU’ Category

Animated-picture-of-letter-with-hearts from netanimations.net 1

No words can express how thankful I am to all of you;

As you are all my blessings, my dear friends

And quite frankly my anchor too!!!

Your kind words, prayers and loving support have gotten me through a lot,

For it is with them that they have lifted my spirits,

And help me dry away my tears right there on the spot.

Sometimes it is hard to keep from crying

For moments it can feel so trying

And that is because both the physical and emotional pain

Can be so difficult to deal with at times,

You have taught me though

What true friends are all about,

As you haven’t left my side

And I know you all will continue

To have my back without a doubt,

For I know you are all with me for this long ride.

Cancer faced its ugly face once before in my life

And now it seems like it may be back,

But fortunately for me loving support there is no lack.

I will beat this thing at its own game

Because let’s face it, it has taken away far too many, to even all name.

Once you have been touched by cancer,

You are never left quite the same.

As it can take a lot from you,

But it cannot take away your spirit,

At least I won’t let it have mine ;

For I do not wish to give it any more

 Of my precious and very much cherished time.

 (Moving picture at top of page is from netanimations.net)

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


 (This picture is taken in early November before I had got sick.

Photography is by: Meg Foster)

