
Archive for the ‘Something is MIssing’ Category

Something is Missing

You are no longer happy any more


 Because faith is what you need to explore.

As there is something in your heart that is still missing,

And up until now your heart has not been listening.

With how you feel about yourself and your life;

Things that used to matter to you only cause more strife.

Material goods can only keep you content for a short while

But faith on the other hand can keep joy

 In your life making you particularly want to smile.

When you were young you were a faithful servant

 To GOD wanting to attend church never being absent;

But as you got older, it became uncool

So now with your faith lacking, your life feels so cruel.

And so now your soul is feeling lost,

Because that is what the lack of faith cost;

You need now to search,

Possibly by starting back to church;

As nothing seems to ever go right;

And all you seem to do anymore with loved ones is fight.

You can change this around by bringing back your light.

GOD is waiting with open arms for you to return back to HIM

Now is the time to finally make everything right.

Happiness will now return because your faith has come back

So your joy in life, there is no longer any lack.

Happy young woman with a white background

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 (Pictures are taken from Office.com)
