
Archive for the ‘Self-pity’ Category

Businessman Thinking on Steps

Are you feeling like no one has it worse than you?
Are you also finding that nothing seems to go right too?
If this is you, you are dwelling in self-pity,
Probably more than you ever knew.
You need to allow yourselves sometimes to laugh,
Not always taking things so seriously
Or otherwise you may keep on this destructive path
Thinking like everything in your life is not great,
Giving you feelings of always hate.
Than that is what your life will actually become,
It could leave you feeling rather numb
Or very unhappy inside and also dejected;
You are not only bringing yourself down
But those around you may also be affected.
Thus making your friends and family feeling rejected
Because of all your negativity;
This may actually make those around you want to flee.
Who wants to be around someone
Who is always so miserable?
Ask yourself that question, would you?
Of course not, that’s why you need to change your outlook or view.
Life may not always be easy
And we may never find common ground to agree
But the truth of the matter is our lives are a gift
And our friends, along with family are also a blessing to cherish,
So we need to look at all the great things in life
And focus less on the things that make us sad
Or our happiness in life will vanish.
Many of us go through these feelings of sorrow,
But always keep in mind there is
Always a new day and a brighter tomorrow.
Don’t feel ashamed if you have fallen to this self-pity
Just remember though not to allow
Yourself to always dwell
Or you could affect your longevity.
If you hold on to these negative feelings too long you will affect
your chance at a lifetime of happiness because of always being angry.
Start by today
In thanking GOD
For all your blessings, including being able to wake up
To yet another, brand new day.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture is taken from Office.com)

