
Archive for the ‘Saying Goodbye is Never Easy’ Category

pic of Martin & I for my blog site

I watch in the distance as you drive away,

Tears roll down from my cheeks, as I wish you could stay.

I understand it is work and that is where you need now to be.

But it’s hard knowing you will be so far away from me.

It seems every time we have to say goodbye it gets

Harder, no matter how much in being brave I try,

For eventually I always seem to break down and cry.

Sometimes I think it is because I am afraid

 You will never be coming back,

So the days you are gone away, I will always keep track.

I look forward to the day when I know

You will be returning home;

For when you are missing I feel so sadly alone.

I can’t wait to see your beautiful smiling face

And to hold you in my arms so we can once again embrace.

It is not until then I will feel whole again

Because with you absent from my side,

I feel like something is missing, for I am left feeling rather empty inside.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Dedicated to my loving husband, Martin,

I am so blessed to be your wife)

(The photograph is of myself and my husband, Martin

which was taken in December’2012

By photographer: Jocelyn Meloche)
