
Archive for the ‘Sadly Alone’ Category

puppy on a bench

Are you all alone with no friends to share your life with?
And this is how it has always been with no one
To actually talk to or to be therewith;
This must make you feel very
Saddened and also very much on your own.
Because there is no one to share your life’s hopes or dreams with

And sorrows that you have known.
Since up to this point you have no one to talk

Or listen to your troubles over the phone.
Is it because you are just too shy?
As you are far too introverted to give it even half a try;
Or are you worried about being rejected
For fear they would not want your friendship,
In thinking they would just laugh and maybe just go on passing you by.
If this is you I would like you to take my two mottos and try to apply
And put them to the test
If you choose to try these mottos
And actually try to accomplish them at best
It will prove that this fear of being alone can be just a thing of the past
Leaving you no longer feeling saddened at last;
Some of my favourite mottos are
“How do you even know if you don’t at least try
And if it fails then try and try again until you finally succeed.”
“Everything worthwhile in life takes effort
If you want things to work out indeed.”
Take every step as a baby step.

Try first smiling at that stranger
And saying, “Hi” and talk about the weather,
Or something you may even have in common to break the ice.
Leaving you feeling very proud of yourself and very much sufficed;
Because before you know it a new friendship has been made
And making friends is a little easier now as you are no longer afraid.
Everyone needs a friend more than some will ever care to admit or know
But allow yourself this great opportunity in life because
It is one of many of GOD’s gifts to us
That can continue to blossom and grow.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo taken from Office.com)
