
Archive for the ‘Roommates’ Category

Roommates come in all shapes and sizes
As well as many ages too.
Some are amazingly funny
While others are unbearably grouchy
And stick to you like glue.
Sometimes one may sing in the shower
Or have a green thumb, as they love to attend flowers.
Others may be rather quiet, while others may snore,
Sounding like a grizzly bear, too loud to ignore;
This in turn may require some ear plugs to try
And have your rest now restored.
Sometimes roommates can also be rather funny
Which can make a cloudy day even seem kind of sunny.
There are those who also make unruly sounds
That may come from their tummy
Every time you turn around.
But I guess it is better than having it coming from the other end
As a lingering odor could possibly be then found.
Some roommates also like to stay up late
While others can’t stay awake past 8.
Some like to stay up and read,
As others would rather have that extra rest.
This way their bodies will operate the next day at its best.
You will find some roommates like to also sleep in until noon
While others are up early starting to groom;
These are the morning cheery people who are always up before dawn
And for those who are sleepy heads it is
Sometimes frowned upon;
They are too cheery for the early day
As they have already ate and dressed and gone merrily on their way.
But as for the sleepy head, a banana in bed is just great,
As in bed they would rather much longer stay.
There are also those, whose roommate is a spouse,
So extra loving there is a dose, as in kissing and cuddling too.
But along with that comes the bickering as you always knew.
It is always great to have a roommate for most,
But as for the loner in the pack
Sometimes it is to best to have their
Freedom back,
So privacy there is no lack.
There will always be those who possess a certain positive energy
Or happen to be rather funny
That they can almost make one laugh or go pee;
You see having a roommate can also form a lasting friendship,
That can sometimes
Be the best in life there is to ever be!
Written By: Diane Van Bommel
(Written in dedication to all my new friends I met during my stay at the Thameswood Lodge. You have all touched my heart in so many ways and you all will never be forgotten. This is also dedicated for all those of you who also have come there to stay after I have been gone. May your lives find peace and strength to continue on the rest of you journeys. Remember to never give up no matter how bleak life seems. Staying positive is half the battle! GOD BLESS!)
