
Archive for the ‘New Beginnings’ Category

pic of Happy New Year

At the beginning of each New Year promises are being made,

As New Year’s Resolutions are being played.

It is a chance to make a new beginning,

“As in out with the old and in with the new.”

It is a chance to make a fresh new start now too.

Maybe your goal is to lose a few pounds or two,

Or to quit smoking or to limit your time watching television,

As you are there for wee hours

Because your eyes are usually stuck to it like glue;

Maybe you have even decided to keep a cleaner home,

Or to volunteer more of your time to those who live alone.

Another thing you may have chosen to do

Is to eat healthier and eat less takeout food,

Even though your mind and stomach always crave it all the time

Because it is so familiar with it is since that is what it has gotten so used to.

There are so many resolutions you could make

But the unfortunate matter is these things may be easy to do at first,

But just as easy to fall back on and break.

You can do it,

Whatever you set your mind to

Because there is an inner strength to all of you

That you may have not known,

Because that side of you may have been hidden

And possibly never shown;

We can accomplish what we may never thought possible to do,

But with faith and determination

Our goal, our resolution can become true.

The most important thing to remember is to never give up

On what you set out to do

Because that resolution of yours can be mastered

By believing in yourself;

This can be easily accomplished

When you take on a more positive outlook or change your point of view.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Picture taken from Office.com)

All our lives there will be new beginnings.
But, sometimes we have to take
that first most important step,
if were to ever move forward,
and receive any winnings.

Maybe you are in the midst of changing jobs
Or maybe you are starting at a new school,
And living in a new place;
You are feeling scared,
but yet anxious to what a waits.

All of us go through these emotions,
It is what makes us all human,
that is why it is okay to feel this way.
Things will eventually get easier for you to adjust,
GOD will make everything okay.

You need to reach out to HIM;
HE does listen, HE will give you the strength
To do what you need to do.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
