
Archive for the ‘My Heart Needs to Move On’ Category

I have sacrificed my heart and soul,
Along with time long spent,
But it has finally taken a toll.
How can I move on without you?
From all that you have always meant.
You are everything I have always wanted
And everything I have ever dreamt.
I always hoped one day you would
Feel the same way about me too
But the time has come now and went.
I have unfortunately learned one of life’s toughest lessons
And that is you can’t make someone fall in love with you.
If only it were possible,
If only it were true,
But in reality I know I can’t change your point of view.
I will always love you,
Even though I know you will never feel the same
So go on I must do, no matter how much I feel the pain.
I must pray to GOD now to guide me through
In hopes of finding a love that is rare and true,
As long with also helping me finding
A way to try and get over you;
One day I hope I will find that perfect love
And finally get my happily ever after
From GOD’s help, up above.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
