
Archive for the ‘Marriage is a Partnership’ Category

Marriage is a Partnership
Marriage is a lot of work.
It is not always easy as it is just not housework.
But also getting along with one another,
And learning to accept one’s faults and weaknesses as well
as having great communication skills with one another
and giving your marriage partner some space to have one on one time with friends
or sports that they may enjoy can be of great importance;
In this way they are not feeling
Like marriage is like a prison to them
But a wonderful blessing to have,
That is truly a gift from GOD.
But when it comes to being abused that is a whole different ball game
as no one ever deserves this type of treatment and GOD wouldn’t expect you to live this way either.
A marriage is a partnership, a friendship
And a bond that shouldn’t be broken;
A marriage should not be given up on but marriage in
Itself though, can be a lot of work
But it is worth all the effort you both put into it.
The most important things in a marriage are trust,
Respect and having GOD as a big part of your lives;
It’s just as the saying goes,
“The family that prays together stays together.”
This holds true and without HIM in your lives
Your marriage could possibly fail.
Because marriages without true faith can become rather stale;
Go to church together and pray together
and an improved difference will start to happen in your relationship
And this is no tall tale,
Because you both had chosen to have GOD
As a bigger part of this new arrange.
Instead you will both shall gain a greater life together
In this new exchange and your marriage will now sail.
Because with love, respect, perseverance
and sometimes counselling a marriage can still be saved even at its near breaking point.
To stay together just for your children is not the right decision;
You need to look at your life with
A different outer perspective or view point.
The only valuable reason to be in a marriage should be is for love
and if there is abuse involved get out while you still can because you do not want to become a statistic
From being with an angry, unhappy man
Who doesn`t know how to truly show you his love.
What kind of a good example are you setting for your children
as they will think that it is okay to be mistreated in this way?
It becomes a vicious circle for when they are older they may also pick a similar mate.
In order to stop
This you need to get help in anyway.
It is important to make a marriage work but it has to be both parties
making the effort and if this spouse doesn’t go for anger management
or counselling to try and improve their disruptive behaviour
then this marriage is not valid with the wedding vows
You made to each other on your wedding day.
A person who truly loves their spouse would
not intentionally ever hurt them in this manner and
Would have felt much guilt for their actions per say.
Wishing you all the best and that GOD is with you every step of the way
to give you both the strength and guidance to do what is right for yourself
and your children’s lives to live a more happier and more productive life as not
Just in tomorrow but in today and each and every day. GOD Bless!!!
Written By: Diane Van Bommel
