
Archive for the ‘Love Will Prevail’ Category

pic of animated-couple-in-a-kiss

Love is something we all need and all want

But sometimes we are afraid to open our hearts

In fear of getting hurt and getting ours torn apart.

Sometimes finding love is a risk worth taking

But with every risk, there is a chance it may even start to fail in the making.

There are moments in love when we are searching for it and finally find it

That it may not possibly last

And soon that person you had cared so deeply for

Becomes no longer a part of your future

But cherished memories only of your past;

Do not let this stop you from

Searching again for your chance of happiness

Because it is out there for all of us,

Even though at times you feel like your life is a great big bust,

And the feelings you are experiencing now

Cause you suddenly to have many doubts of mistrust.

Sometimes this love you had with one another

May later have the opportunity to once again reconnect,

But if it doesn’t, don’t let this pain empower you leaving you

With constant sadness and suddenly lack of self-esteem

Is what you now only project.

You are not alone.

GOD is there.

You just need to take this time to reflect.

HE sees your pain and every tear

Just know that when you are feeling troubled like this

That GOD is just a prayer away and so very near.

GOD will help you get through

And give you that strength you may be lacking

But first you need to trust in HIM

To rid you of that fear and send it away packing.

And when you least expect it

Someone who is meant to be will come into your life

And treat you with that love you so rightfully deserve.

If this next person doesn’t, don’t ever try to settle

Because you deserve every happiness in life

Even though others may try and mettle;

In the end, love will come to you once again and it will prevail,

Hopefully this time forever and never become stale.

You shall not ever give up on love

Because if you trust in GOD,

HE will take you where you need to be and

Happiness will continue to be a big part of your life for you and me

And this love you now have, will never fail.

You will no longer be dwelling in self-pity now

But with sudden joy left in your trail;

Since GOD is now a bigger part of your life,

Causing your faith to somehow strengthen and sail.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photo taken from netanimations.net)

(This poem is written for everyone out there who has had their heart broken one time or another. At the time they may be thinking how will I ever make it through? They just need to realize they are never alone and eventually love will soon prevail.)
