
Archive for the ‘Love is Blind’ Category

They say that love is blind
And that true love is a rare find
So when you discover it don’t let it slip away.
Instead work on it so it will stay.
Sometimes we don’t see what is of right there in front of us
Because of all our busy lives and also with all the fuss;
If we don’t appreciate what we have got
It may become a little too late
And your relationship may rot.
Choose to appreciate what this connection has taught
So your love will continue to blossom
And keep you from boredom.
Treat every day as a special one
With kind words, laughter and fun,
Always make time and treat your loved one
As if it were a new relationship that had just begun;
Sometimes because when you have been together for a long time
Your connection may become rather stale.
But if you choose to invest time
And love with this special someone,
Then your affection for one another will prevail.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
