
Archive for the ‘Loss of a Loved One’ Category

beautiful_landscape_waterfall from netanimations.net

When I am gone try and not to miss me too much,

As I haven’t really left your side

 Because you can always feel my touch,

For in your heart I shall always reside.

“I am the whisper in the wind,”

The sunset and the sunrise

Or the brightest shining star

That brings the twinkle to the skies.

When you are sitting there all alone

I see those tears flowing from your eyes.

Please, don’t spend all your time weeping for me

Because I am much happier now you see.

I am no longer in pain

And I am surrounded by beauty

Where there is nothing on earth like here,

 That is quite the same;

It is remarkable to say the least

And more importantly I am now at peace

For my worries in life have ceased

Being replaced by joy to fill my days,

So my happiness is now increased.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

animated_waterfall_at_night from netanimations.net

(Moving pictures are from netanimations.net)


(This music video, “I’ll See You Again,” By :Westlife is taken from YouTube.com)

beautiful scenery taken by Alfonse Vanhooste 2beautiful scenery taken by Alfonse Vanhooste 3

Today we weep for the loss of our loved one,

Our true dear friend;

You were a fighter, a mother, and a daughter,

But your life here was only on lend.

You fought a courageous battle

And stuck through it all until the very end;

GOD has now called you home

And now our hearts are left here to mend.

Although, we mourn the loss of you today

We rejoice in the fact that you are celebrating

Your new life in a very special way;

As the new life of yours living eternally

In heaven as just begun;

We will never forget your smile

As it was so bright as the morning sun.

We will also miss your sweet angelic face

And the reminiscences we made

As it shall continue to embrace.

Because the imprints you have left deep within our hearts

No time shall ever begin to erase;

Rest in peace my sweet dear friend,

Until we meet again

When GOD chooses for our souls to later also send

For a part of you in our hearts there will always be a loving trace

No matter what time of day,

No matter ever when

Which will always happen to be the case.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

beautiful scenery taken by Alfonse Vanhooste 4

beautiful scenic view taken from Alfonse Vanhooste 5

(Photography is by: Alfonse Van Hooste, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada)


It has not only been days, but years since you went away

And my heart still aches for you each and every day.

I wish you were here with me today,

As I would pick you a beautiful, colourful bouquet

And tell you just how much I love you

With a lasting embrace to lovingly convey;

I then would want to try and beg you to stay

But I know this is not possible in any way.

Because I know you are back home with GOD

Where you need now to be

And eventually our love will find our way back

 For one another to see,

But I do hope this time apart will go by rather quickly,

For it already seems like an eternity.

The time though when we shall meet again

Will no longer have to be just briefly,

As GOD promises us an everlasting lifetime

For you and me,

If we live our lives faithfully,

Rather than one, that is just lived so carelessly.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Field of Pink Wild Flowers

(This pic is from Office.com)

 (Top photo is from 123RF.com)



pic of heaven for blog

Time passes so slowly since you went away.

It just seems like only yesterday you were with me here to stay.

But then life got in the way,

Taking you so very far away;

Now time seems to stand so very still

And so does the pain against my will.

I cannot keep the tears from flowing

Down my cheek,

For every thought of you makes me feel so weak.

They say that time heals all wounds

But for now I find that so hard to believe,

For as of present all I can do is just grieve.

I know I need to appreciate the time together that we had spent

And cherish every memory, even though I wish more days were meant.

Someday, GOD willing, our paths shall cross again.

But for now, the memories I have of you shall have to help me mend.

For later there will be a brighter future up in heaven for us,

Because this shall be GOD’S gift, the most greatest bonus;

Making this time apart only temporary,

Which is a very good thing for me

Because being separated from you feels like agony;

There is a promise though that GOD made to everyone

And that is that this is not the end

But a new beginning to our `happily ever after,

Where eternity we shall forever get to spend.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Many years have passed since you went away;

If only you didn’t have to leave and you could have stayed.

Then I wouldn’t have been missing you so much today.

I still hang on to the memories each and every day.

It is what gets me through and allows me to feel okay.

There are so many things I wish we would have done

You always made me smile and made life rather fun.

To say good-bye is always hard to do

That’s why I chose then not to.

Because it is not forever that we shall be apart

I know that because of what is deep within my heart.

My faith tells me this is so

And that is why I know.

We shall be together again

As in GOD’S promise future of eternity life

To which we will later gain.

Written: Diane Van Bommel

Grandma Lievens1

Losing a parent or anyone for that matter is never easy.
It is so hard to let go of someone who meant so much to you. It leaves you feeling devastated and creates so much anxiety, that you may ask yourself, “How can I go on without them?” The unfortunate thing about this situation is we have no choice in the matter. We have to somehow learn to cope with these new found emotions.

Sometimes we are left in so much shock, that we are left feeling completely numb inside. We are in denial because we think if we don’t think about it, then it can’t be real. There are sometimes some people that even imagine their loved one is gone away on a very long vacation because it makes it easier for them to deal. But, the fact of the matter is you need to allow yourself this time to grieve because if you don’t you are going to hurt yourself more because eventually all those emotions you kept bottled up, may finally end up exploding. It could literally disrupt your life and your family’s life.

It is never going to be easy to deal with this loss, but with prayer,

GOD can ease some of your pain and take some of the heavy load you are carrying.
There may be times that you see someone who resembles your parent or grandparent and it makes you want to reach out to them.
But, it is only for a second, because you then come to your senses
and realize this is not an even a slight possibility.

At times when you are cooking at home or need advice on something, you may begin to pick up your phone wanting to call them but you then quickly realize immediately, that there is no parent or grandparent to answer that unanswered question of yours. You miss having their advice or their approval on things that matter to you.
You may think, “If only they were here to help me with this.” “They always knew what to do.” You also miss hearing their voice or their laughter. You think to yourself,
if only I could hear it just one more time.

The hardest realization is that they are not coming back but the good news is that you will see them again and that is when GOD calls you home too. For you see, none of us are really home, we are just visiting here, until we are to go meet with GOD up in heaven. It is there that beauty will surround you everywhere, as there is no more pain and it is there that you will see all those loved ones who have meant so much to you. It is at this time when you finally meet again, that it will be a celebration because this time you will rejoice, for you no longer have to say goodbye because GOD promises you all eternity in heaven. This is why all of us need to lead good lives,
so this can be a greater possibility for you too.

There are some parents or grandparents though who have been ill for quite some time, so seeing them pass on is like a mixture of so many feelings. You are sad because you miss them so much, but at the same time you are very happy for them because they are no longer suffering. You would not want them back the way they were in so much pain.

Sometimes we have to be selfless and allow our loved ones our blessing to go. If we try and make them hang on when they are dying, it is so unfair to them. I had made my grandma promise me not to give up but, when I saw her suffering and in so much pain that I couldn’t bear to see her this way anymore; I finally took her hand and kissed her cool forehead and said, “it’s okay, grandma, it’s your time for you to meet with GOD. I don’t expect you to keep that promise anymore. It is not that I don’t love you because I really do, but it is not fair for me to make you keep that promise anymore.” It was a very hard thing for me to say and do. I couldn’t stop the tears from running down my face but I knew it was the right thing for me to do, my last gift to her. I had taken care of my grandma for 2 1/2 years in her home before she had been put in a nursing home and I had left and gotten married.

I felt so guilty at first, but I knew my grandma wouldn’t want me to feel that way.

Later, that same week my grandma passed away. My mom and I got the call from the nursing home where she was at. They had called immediately after her passing. When we arrived her eyes were still open and I kissed her forehead. I will never forget how cold and clammy her skin was. I whispered in her ear that I loved her and for her to say, “Hi” to all the loved ones that have gone before us. I know this may sound like a strange thing to do but, I have always been told that the hearing is the last thing to go.

After a loved one dies, you feel like you don’t deserve to be happy, you actually may feel guilty if you do feel this way. I am sure that is what your love one would not want you to feel. They would not want to see you spending the rest of your days moping but instead enjoying every day, as it is a gift from GOD. It’s okay to shed those tears but don’t think your not entitled to be happy, because you are. Do not feel guilty for being happy. Your loved one would want more happiness for you.

It has been 19 years, since my grandma passed and I still think of her and I have even dreamt she has met my children. That is one thing special GOD has given us is dreams and memories. This is our gift from HIM to help us during this waiting time because that is just all it is, time now keeping the two of you apart.

You need to look as their passing is not really a last goodbye,
But a new beginning for them, because they are now given the gift of eternal life up in heaven,
so instead of saying, “goodbye” say, “until we meet again”.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

This is written in memory of my dear grandma, Madeline Lievens

April 27, 1911 – July 9, 1994

“Grandma, you will be forever in our hearts!”

“Until We Meet Again”

It’s been a few months ago that I have passed,
Since I was torn from your lives
And there isn’t a moment that goes by that
You haven’t fought back your tears and painful cries.
I know I have always been in your thoughts
And I am forever deep within your hearts.
There is guilt in you, for the long hours you had worked
So hard to provide for me,
Mom and my three brothers because of all the time we were apart.
“I understood daddy and that’s why I greeted you each day with a hug as a token of my love.”
I know you only wished you could have spent more time with me but this time apart isn’t a forever thing,
As we will later reunite with GOD up above.
Please, don’t blame yourself for all the hard work that you do,
I understood you did all that to provide a better life for all of us
And you gave me a better one than I ever knew.
GOD has now called on me to do an important job too,
As I am now a beautiful angel,
To help guide over our family too;
Please know that you, mom and my brothers are never forgotten.
I want you to do one very special thing for me and that is to give a hug to mom and my brothers,
As the love you have always taught me and them.
Also, don’t forget to get one too from mom.
I hope your pain of missing me someday will soon lighten
When you come to realize,
And just know every time you see a sun rise,
Or a bright shining star, or hear the whistling wind,
Or a bird resting on the window sill, or even a butterfly fluttering by,
That my spirit is not very far behind these things,
As GOD lets me say, “Hi”, to show you all that I am with you always,
Because I live on forever nearby.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

Every one of us goes through our own everyday struggles, pains and tribulations. We have all had to one time or another suffer many painful losses of a dear loved one or carry some other cross to which we had to overcome or bear. We all need to deal with them in our own time and in our way. Don’t try and rush someone’s grieving process because after all everyone handles things differently, as we all have different personalities and coping mechanisms to which to handle them.

Some of us feel like we are totally alone in life and no one to share these painful times with but we need to try and remember that God is always there for us even if you think HE may have left. HE is there for you always just as HE has always promised to be. You just need to reach out to HIM in prayer.

I hope these writings give you some sort of comfort and support during your day to day living.
Let them be of some type of inspiration to you, so it will help lessen the pain and sadness you may be carrying,
within your heart and soul.

Diane Van Bommel

Every one of us one time or another will loose someone or something we cared so deeply for. It is inevitable. We are all here on borrowed time, precious time. From the moment we are born our time starts ticking forwards, we can never move backwards. It seems like just an unfair justice to have to go through such grief and pain. Unfortunately, this is part of the facts of life. There is no one that can avoid this grave outcome. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, what you own or just how important you are. Life does not play any favorites. We will all have to endure this same painful fact of reality.

Our body and our minds will go through many feelings and emotions. Sometimes it may feel like its constantly running in overload. It may also feel like whenever you close your eyes that your mind is playing a movie and it’s your life with that someone playing as the special feature. At times this can be so overwhelming. It may bring us very special memories of that special someone. We do never want to forget him/her. We are afraid to lose those special thoughts of them because you want to honor their memory.
There may be moments we wish that we could just fast-forward or rewind because the pains at times are just too hard to bear.

We are not alone, never alone because
God is there! We need to ask for HIS help to give us the strength to get us through this mind boggling pain. It takes time, to get us through these difficult moments in our life. But, it does get easier. The more time that goes by the more it seems to ease away some of the pain.

That pain you feel may never go away and there may be some days that are better or worse than others. But, we need to never give up. Things will eventually get better for you. We need to Trust in God. HE has a special timing and purpose for each and every one of us. We may never understand any of HIS plans, but; we just need to know and trust that God is in control. We also need to accept wherever our lives may take us.

Life is a funny thing, a wonderful thing. Those loved ones that we may have lost may seem like a forever thing, but it is not. There is one thing that death cannot take away from us and that is even though they may have left us for a better place; they still leave behind their special memories and imprints on our hearts which cannot be erased. These are gifts given to us from God to help us during the waiting time, until the time we will once again be reunited with our loved ones.

These memories are ours to cherish but, we just need to have patience for the moment we will be together forever but, this time eternally in God’s grace. So realize it is okay to grieve. We all need to take the time to do so and know also that we need to grieve in the best way that we know how. Never judge someone on how long this grieving process should take because some may take a short while, others may take a very long time. It’s because we are all unique individuals created by God. It doesn’t matter who grieves the quickest or the longest; this is not a contest or test, we all need to take the time that is needed for our minds to heal, along with our broken heart. With God’s help they will both one day mend leaving us once again feeling at peace, so we can continue to go on with the rest of our glorious journey. One of the many gifts from God is our “life”; never take it for granted.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

No matter how hard we try we cannot prevent the inevitable, our death.
We can’t even predict what tomorrow will bring. The fact is if our time is up, it’s up.

God has HIS special timing and plan for us. A lot of us have had several close calls, when you think “Boy that was a miracle I even survived”. You wonder why or how is it even possible that I am still here? That is because it must not have been your time yet.

God may still have a special purpose for you in life. You need to figure out what it is you are still meant to do, so that when your time finally comes you have completed the rest of God’s plan for you. This way you can leave this world in peace to be with God.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
