
Archive for the ‘Looking Beyond’ Category

They say never judge a book by its cover.

Well the truth goes the same with one another.

What may look old and worn on the outside

May actually be beautiful on the inside;

We need not pass judgement on what we visually see

And instead look even deeper to what is within.

It’s like a book whose cover is ripped and torn

And lacking visual interest to attract

So it can be read;

But, on the inside this worn book

 Has an amazing story to be told

And motivating others who at least give it half a chance

For an inspiring plot to take hold

And essentially start to unfold;

Just like we need to give this book a fair chance

The same goes for everyone, as those people

We may try and avoid, perchance

May actually have the most amazing personality

To which their true beauty would essentially win us over,

As it does remarkably enhance;

Just think at what a great friendship you could be missing out on

Because you passed judgement on them

So far in advance;

In order to get to really know someone you need to spend more time with them instead of judging one another at first glance.

Maybe next time when you grab a book

Or when you see others and take a look

You will finally see

What is waiting inside may truly be

An exciting worthwhile opportunity,

With even more endless possibilities;

You finally need to give this relationship

Half a chance to finally explore

And realizing the other beauty you

Thought was so initially important

Is not significant anymore

Because by looking instead at what truly matters

And that is what is within the inner core.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
