
Archive for the ‘Live Your Dream’ Category

“Don’t dream your life”
“Live your dream”
These are seven words I once read
And there must be some truth
To them as the one who had written them
Believed so, or they wouldn’t have said.

Because let’s face it, we are always wanting great
Things to occur in our life but most of us are just sitting back waiting for good things
To happen to us;
We need to instead take the first iniative to make this
Dream of ours and help it become a virtual reality.

This can be accomplished as many things can in life if we just take the opportunity
That is there for us and at least try and apply;
Do it now with this vision of yours and make it not only a dream you have always
Wished for but an utmost
Possibility of becoming true,
Even more than you ever believed so or ever knew.
You need to somehow even just try
Or you are just letting your life unhappily sail by.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
