
Archive for the ‘Life is a Gift’ Category

Life is more precious
Than money or gold,
Many of us take it for granted
In allowing our lives to easily unfold;
It is a gift from GOD.
We need to cherish it
Because it could be gone in an instant;
That is why we should be treating our lives as a present.
None of us are promised tomorrow
So do not dwell in self-pity
Or you will always be left in sorrow.
We need to take the time to forgive
Or true happiness in life we will not live
By letting go of hurt and anger
We are allowing ourselves the true gift of happiness
And our hearts the greater opportunity,
In having more love to give.
Written By: Diane Van Bommel


I am feeling very saddened
As I lie here on my bed.
I feel as though dark clouds
Are always floating above my head
This in turn causes me so much pain
And not to mention dread,

I miss my home and my loved ones as well.
It feels as though my life is over now
As far as I my mind will share or tell.

I need to quickly lift my spirits up
And realize I still have so much more
Living to do and
One thing is for sure there are
So many blessings I have in my life too.

Although I may not always realize this is so true
Because sometimes I
May be dwelling in self-pity
More than I ever actually knew.

I have so much to be thankful for, I needn’t feel so gloom.
When I finally realize God has given me my life
As HIS special gift,
My sadness will no longer consume.

I need to ask on God to help get me through
And with HIM in my life, if I do choose
I can only gain contentment. I will not lose.

Because HE is the one who holds the key to
Everyone’s chance at happiness,
That’s when your life can only
Possibly start to change
Because joy is now brought as a bigger part
Of this new arrange.
You never need to feel as though you are alone

And have so much left to chew.
Just remember to God we are all special

And HE will be there for you too!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photo taken By: Office.com)

(Dedicated to all those living in the nursing homes)
