
Archive for the ‘Life Happens’ Category

photograph of water and boat by Brandy Robertson

 We are not always in control of what happens in our lives

Because sometimes “life just happens”.

It is then that our faith may deepen.

This is when our faith shall get tested

For our troubles in life may seem multiplied,

As they have now added.

These struggles and challenges we may have to face

May seem like a hard mountain to climb,

As with any trial in life which may appear to be the case in no time.

But with GOD in our corner a brighter a future

Is there for us to embrace;

You should never give up on life,

Because in life we may all have different strife we shall have to face,

We can’t just give up no matter how hard that incline is to climb.

It may be a hard struggle at first but by not

Giving up and treading forward,

Your life will improve in no time.

The important key to success in life is to never give up hope

Because GOD is there for us to always cope.

You need to really believe and trust in HIM

For then your life will no longer seem to look so dim.

This is because you have now put your faith in GOD

To allow that miracle of yours to happen

And now by being patient as you trust more in HIM

 You have finally permitted that new found faith of yours

To take control of your minds’ worries,

So that when you finally reach the bottom of that hill you are no longer

 Trudging through those rough waters;

 But are allowing your faithful prayers to help guide you,

So that the water will run smooth now,

And you will possibly be able to learn how to swim,

For you are now endowed

With one of the many blessings GOD has bestowed.


Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Photography By: Brandy Robertson of Blenheim, Ontario, Canada)
