
Archive for the ‘Keeping Your Heart in the Game’ Category

pic2 of Marlon Brown

Sometimes when we are out playing one of our favourite sports

Such as hockey, volleyball, baseball, badminton,

Soccer or being out in those tennis courts;

We sometimes lose sight of the fun of the game

And start to feel pressured on only winning

And if there is some player you need to blame.

Sports can be great exercise and a whole lot of fun,

But that only happens if you’re not always expecting to be No.1

Go out make new friends and enjoy

Rather than taking the game too seriously

This only causes the excitement of it to be destroyed;

The moment we start doing this,

We are no longer there for the fun or love of the game

Because we are losing sight

Of the enjoyment you may have had for this sport,

Leaving you feeling never quite happy

 Or rather quite the same;

Now go out and do what you enjoy doing

And see how much happiness it can bring,

If we choose not to take life so seriously

We will be left feeling less miserably.

We all need to remember it is not only

About keeping your head in the game

But more importantly

About keeping one`s heart in it,

So your mind is left in a better frame.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

pic1 of Marlon Brownpic 3 of Marlon Brown

❤  (The pictures are of my friend,

Marlon Brown from Ridgetown, ON., Canada) ❤
