
Archive for the ‘It is Not Always Easy Being a Teenager’ Category

It is not always easy being a Teenager

Not yet an adult but not a child
Is what a teenager is labeled to be?
But at times we make mistakes and do something wild
That we may later regret naturally.
We cannot take back our pasts
At the errors we have made
Or the wrongful acts we had then played.
At times it was due to peer pressure
From so called friends who later you learned were not your true friends
As they failed you miserably;
They may have gotten you into things
You normally wouldn’t have done
And they may have also caused you even
To sometimes go on the run;
These are not your true friends
You will later learn from experience
As it becomes no longer fun.
It is not too late to turn your life around
And that starts with loving yourself enough
To respect yourself and everyone;
You are loved more than you know
As GOD loves you unconditionally
And HE is waiting with opening arms
For you to come back to HIM as HE does so for all HIS daughters and sons;
You are not a failure, or a freak
As everyone makes mistakes
And some won’t just come to admit to it
As fear of being weak
Because they don’t care to share this with others
And so would not rather speak.
Realize just how truly beautiful and intelligent you are
And that you are not a fake.
You need to believe this for yourself,
No matter how long this takes.
Don’t worry if guys don’t stick around
As those were not meant to be
As GOD has someone rather special in mind that
HE would rather let you see.
GOD wants you to be happy
And that means living a life that
Comes with forgiving yourself and later when GOD chooses HIS special time, that man will be put in your life when you least
Expect, and that could be very unexpectedly.
We all need to be patient as GOD answers
Our pleas and our prayers;
Be true to yourself, and more importantly
Be true to GOD
And your life as you know will finally begin to improve
And you will realize then without a doubt that your life you hated
Is really a true blessing, a gift and that’s how
GOD has always made it.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
