
Archive for the ‘I Love You’ Category

I Love You
When was the last time you said to your mom or dad, “I love you?”
Or to your spouse and children too;
These are three simple words
But have a very strong meaning
To the one who has been waiting
To hear them from you;
Sometimes we think by saying these words
It shouldn’t really matter
As at times it seems rather silly to actually go out and do.
But in truth it can make a world of difference to your loved ones
As everyone needs to feel treasured and loved
Because without those words being said one might feel rather unloved.
Try making it a habit to do so each day
And the paybacks are worth it so much in every way
When the three words, “I love you”
Are addressed more, the feelings are reciprocated back
And that relationship will have a sudden positive lasting impact.
Because everyone likes to feel appreciated and like they matter in fact.
So why not go out and give those three words a try
For you have nothing to lose but everything to gain, as this is one thing money cannot buy.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
