
Archive for the ‘I Love My Chocolate’ Category

There are so many different types of chocolate,

White, milk and dark;

Most of them give me such a great feeling or spark,

Like getting a home-run at the ball park;

That is because it gives me such a satisfying feeling

As some are filled with krispies, wafers, raisins, nut or cream.

The taste of chocolate is so yummy that I love it to the extreme.

There is even chocolate in drinks such as hot chocolate

Or chocolate milk and it is also a flavour of ice-cream.

I love my chocolate so much but usually it goes to my hips or butt

And not to mention my upper or lower gut;

Although I know it has this down fall.

I have a hard time avoiding its enticing call.

That is because it satisfies my sweetest cravings,

 As I find chocolate is so appealing that it melts right in my mouth.

I can just taste it now.


You really need to keep that

Chocolate away from me somehow;

There is also another downfall as it sometimes seems that

 The chocolate may occasionally melt

On my pants or even on my hands;

It always appears to create stains wherever it lands.

There is so much chocolate out there, as there is such a demand.

What is your favourite chocolate bar or brand?

Is it “Mr.Big,” “O Henry”, “Caramilk,” “3 Musketeers,”or “ Skor?”

Whatever it is it I bet you keep wanting more.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

a pic of choc no-bake cookies


By: Aprille Marshall-Carter
2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 stick butter
1/2 cup milk
1 cup peanut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla
3 cups oatmeal
Waxed paper
In a heavy saucepan bring to a boil, the sugar, cocoa, butter and milk.

Let boil for 1 minute then add peanut butter, vanilla and oatmeal.

On a sheet of waxed paper, drop mixture

by the teaspoonfuls, until cooled and hardened.

❤ (For more of her delicious recipes visit  www.facebook.com/aprille.marshallcarter) ❤
