
Archive for the ‘I Believe in You’ Category

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I believe in you.
I also believe in me.
I only wish you could see what I see.
You can do whatever you have your mind set to.
You just need to let go of that fear,
So you can achieve when your thoughts are clear.
You don’t give yourself much credit
And so your self-esteem there is a lack of it.
Try believing in yourself for a change
And the sky is the limit giving you a bigger range.
The moment you finally start believing in yourself
Is the moment that your life’s
Goal will no longer be kept on a shelf.
But instead that dreams of yours is no longer just that, a dream
But a virtual reality
Because this time you chose to believe in oneself.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photos taken from Office.com)
(Dedicated to my new found Holland friend, Judith Vink. “I believe in you!”)

(This music video is, “I Believe in You,” By: Amanda Marshall and it is from YouTube.com)

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