
Archive for the ‘I Am With You Always’ Category

beautiful_landscape_waterfall from netanimations.net

When I am gone try and not to miss me too much,

As I haven’t really left your side

 Because you can always feel my touch,

For in your heart I shall always reside.

“I am the whisper in the wind,”

The sunset and the sunrise

Or the brightest shining star

That brings the twinkle to the skies.

When you are sitting there all alone

I see those tears flowing from your eyes.

Please, don’t spend all your time weeping for me

Because I am much happier now you see.

I am no longer in pain

And I am surrounded by beauty

Where there is nothing on earth like here,

 That is quite the same;

It is remarkable to say the least

And more importantly I am now at peace

For my worries in life have ceased

Being replaced by joy to fill my days,

So my happiness is now increased.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

animated_waterfall_at_night from netanimations.net

(Moving pictures are from netanimations.net)


(This music video, “I’ll See You Again,” By :Westlife is taken from YouTube.com)
