
Archive for the ‘How Do I Decide? (Choosing a Post-Secondary School)’ Category

picture of deciding what post-secondary school to attend

You are now in your last year of high school,

You may ask yourself “shall I live in residence next year

 Or rather stay home and choose to car pool?”

There are so many decisions to make,

 Including how many years your schooling shall take.

There is also this crunch to actually make up your mind

Leaving it hard for you to sit back and unwind

Because there is such an important decision to make,

 As in which courses you should actually take

And which college or university you shall wish to attend in the fall.

These decisions feel so HUGE rather than just small.

You are coming to the realization

That you are having trouble making up your mind at all.

You may ask yourself “why didn’t I make up my mind earlier

Instead of procrastinate and just stall?”

When it comes to making decisions for our future

They are sometimes rather difficult to make.

This is when as a student you wish time to collect

 Those thoughts and take a break.

The best thing you can do is to follow your heart

And listen to where your gut feeling takes you.

If you do this a brighter and happier future will be awaiting you.

Don’t make your decisions based on friends,

But rather on what will truly make you happy in the end.

You can always keep in touch with those that matter

And if you stay true to what you love to do,

Your future will become that much brighter too.

Embrace this time of your life in continuing on in your school

And whatever decision you make on which to attend,

Will be the right one for you

Because you know deep inside,

As GOD gives us those answers to apprehend

But sometimes we are not listening to that message

 HE is actually trying to send.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 (Photography is By: Bev Bieber)

❤ This poem is dedicated to my young friend, Bev Bieber.

May GOD lead you to where HE wants you to be

and may you have an amazing, bright future ahead of you.

GOD Bless!!! 🙂 ❤
