
Archive for the ‘Holding Back’ Category

There is pain everywhere in life.

Some people are able to express themselves

In getting rid of their strife,

But others hold back never letting anyone in.

They do not wish to share their feelings so keep

Those all bottled up within.

They don’t wish to burden others with their problems,

Not even some.

Because they have been used to depending

 On virtually nobody, not even a single one.

The glitch with this is their problems

Will never fully, be able to go away.

If they are not willing to share their feelings

They will always remain at bay.

If this is you building that great brick wall

Never letting anyone in,

Then true happiness in life you will never be able to win.

The first step to healing is by removing

The brick wall that you have now built,

by expressing your feelings

Or you will be left with constant sadness

 And possibly even guilt.

It is okay to let your guard down

Once in a while, letting others entering in.

Because the freedom and happiness

 That you will now gain will change

How you feel about yourself within.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
