
Archive for the ‘Heart Breaks’ Category

My heart aches, I wish you could feel the same way I feel but
You only think of me as a friend,
Rather than wanting to be my boyfriend.

The more time I spend time with you it gets even harder for me
Because I need to hide the way I truly feel inside since
I know in my heart, the feelings don’t reciprocate.
It hurts me so, for this is now our fate.

If only I could get you to see how special I really am
And what an amazing person that is inside me.
You would then realize if we were together how special our lives could actually be;

But for now I have to accept the way the things are between us
And that is as a very dear and special friend to me;
We may not ever become more than that
And the thought of this hurts me to the very core.

I know I need to move on, not dwelling on what could have been
and instead staying strong focusing on my life, my future
And if it is GOD’s will or plan for me;
We will later be together but only if that’s what GOD has planned in store.
If this doesn’t happen I have come to realize GOD knows what truly is best for me
and maybe I may not see it right now
But maybe HE has something
Extra special and even someone out there
That is so deservingly more.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel
