
Archive for the ‘Happy Anniversary to My Best Friend’ Category

pic of my wedding to Martin

Today is our anniversary of when I became your wife.

We have been together since our late teens,

Over half our life;

Where did all the time go?

First it was us being in our teens, then 20’s, 30’s

And now we are in our 40’s,

These years went by pretty fast as you know.

You still haven’t lost your handsome charm though

Because when I am around you I have this beautiful glow.

We have had some great times

And four beautiful children that made our family grow.

We have also had some many challenging times

As when I got sick

But you never wavered,

For you lifted my spirits up very quick.

You always stayed by my side and you never quit.

Even though some moments were very difficult,

 You chose to hang on real tight, rather than split.

Now all that is behind us and I look forward

To spending many more days and hopefully many more

Beautiful years together as your wife,

Because what a wonderful blessing you have always been

Martin, since you had first walked into my life.

Love Always,

Di ❤

pic of me and my family

 (The picture at the top of the page is from my wedding day,

July 17th, 1993)

(The photo at the bottom of the page

is of my husband, Martin and I and our four kids,

Larissa, Kiara, Brianna & Carter.

This pic is taken by: Jocelyn Meloche)


 (The music video, “Is This Love,” By:Whitesnake is from YouTube)

❤ It holds very special meaning to my husband and I.

It was actually our first song we danced to at our wedding ❤
