
Archive for the ‘GOD is the Key to our Happiness’ Category

Nobody is perfect except for God.
So stop trying to be perfect.
We can try and strive to be,
But, we can never be.
So, be happy with who you are now
And strive to be the person
That you can be;
If you are not living the life you can
Be proud of, stop what you are doing.
You can change your life around.
All you have to do is put your trust in God.
Repent for what you have done wrong

And rejoice in the Lord for the here and now.
Just think how much happier you will become if you don’t expect such high expectations of yourselves.
If you don’t do that you are allowing yourself to be set up for failure.
None of us are failures, so don’t live your lives like we are.
We are all children of God on the same journey.
We may have all started out on our journeys differently.
But, we can always let our journeys lead us to the same place

And that is in the end with God.
We just need to live a good life now, and repent and give our love to others to help those who are in need.
We all need to cleanse our souls from any wrongs in life.
You will feel so much stronger and happier
And not to mention so much lighter for it;
You will feel like such a big weight
Has been lifted off of your shoulders;
It is such an amazing feeling; we just need to live a good life.
Drugs and sex might give you a sudden high or happiness.
But, that feeling won’t last. If you give of yourselves to God;

Now, that happiness will definitely last.
We just need to keep God as an everyday part of our lives and not
As a fixture that we tend to in a very long while;
We need to look deep inside ourselves and realize what

We are doing to ourselves and others are not making us happy.
If you are miserable, than you have the power to change this.
Live yourself only for God and not for pleasing others.
You will live such an amazing and fulfilling life for it.
God is the special key to happiness in everyone’s life.

pic of key 2                       pic of key3     pic of key 1

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are taken from Office.com)
