
Archive for the ‘GOD Answers Prayer’ Category

pic of lasagnepic of praying hands and cross

pic of praying girl2pic of praying girl
One Saturday, as I lie in bed with a fever, I was feeling so discouraged as I had been just recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer and now there was a major infection at my incision site. It seemed like everything these days that could go wrong, would go wrong. I had been stuck in my bed for that entire day,
feeling so ill and so much in pain.
As I lie in bed I was thinking of all the blessings in my life that I needed to still be thankful for and one was for my family.

My oldest sister was faithfully and almost daily sending me inspirational e-mails and I also had a friend sending me funny e-mails to help lift my spirits too. They both had no idea what a comfort these words were for me. It was even at my weakest times those e-mails would help make me smile

or even manage to make me laugh.

The one e-mail from my sister that day had said,

“GOD doesn’t give any explanation for your pain but HE always promises to walk you through it.”

I then talked to GOD which I have been doing more so these days and thanked HIM for sending, “The Hands for Help” group which would be later coming to my house that afternoon. This was a church organized group that devoted their time, money and gifts to prepare food for those who were struggling with something in their life.
They are such a caring, selfless and amazing group of volunteers who devote any extra time they had into helping others. The leader of this group had called me earlier in the week saying she would bring over a meal for my family for supper on that Saturday.

I talked to GOD saying “ I am so thankful to you GOD for bringing these people to help my family as I am so sick today and I don’t feel like making any supper for my family, so GOD I really thank you in advance for what you are having done for me.”

It was shortly after that the phone rang from a lady from my church saying she had prepared something for my family and asked if she could bring it over in the next half hour. I said, “Thank you” and teared up and continued, “Thank you for doing this for my family.” I will be home but, I am sick in bed but one of my girls could meet you at the door. She responded cheerfully, “No problem Diane, and if there is anything else you need, we are just a phone call away.”

Within the half hour she arrived with the meal as promised and had told my daughter to put in the oven at 350 F for around 25minutes. My daughter was so excited that she ran up the stairs to tell me saying that a nice lady had just dropped off a meal to be put in the oven for around 25 minutes. I smiled and told my daughter I knew she was coming as the lady had called earlier. I then said, “Awe shucks, if it just for 25 minutes then the chances are, it is not lasagne and I was kind of hoping for lasagne” I chuckled oh well, I am just happy to have a meal. I then began to wonder what the meal surprise would actually be.

Well within a half hour my eldest daughter came up with my plate and it was lasagne! Wow, my favourite dish! GOD, you are really looking out for me. I later called and thanked the lady again for making my favourite dish.

It was probably within two hours I had then received a call from the leader of, The Hands for Help group, calling to apologize for not delivering my meal. I said,” Whoa, back up here. I did get my meal and the phone call just beforehand that were right on schedule, from this lady from church. She said, “Diane she must have done that on her own as she is not part of our group.” I proceeded by telling her it was even my favourite meal, lasagne. She said, “That is awesome” and then she chuckled, “Diane I have another lasagne here that was dropped off for you as well. I said, “Are you kidding?” She laughed, “No it was brought over earlier today but I just got busy and forgot to bring it over.” I said, “Wow GOD must have known you were going to forget, so HE put that thought in that lady’s head to help me today.” “Wow, GOD is really taking care of me.”

The moral to this story is, “Ask and you will receive”. GOD listens to our prayers, even when we may think that HE isn’t and HE is always there, even if we don’t see HIM. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Because if you listen with your whole heart; you will actually feel HIS presence there with you.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Note: Photos taken BY: Office.com)
