
Archive for the ‘FORGIVING’ Category


picture of sunflower taken by Heidi Carter

This writing holds special meaning to me as I personally saw a couple of miracles come from it. I hope this writing reaches out to the right person or families that are needing to read it right now and that they will apply it to their lives.
GOD Bless and I personally also hope to see many more shares of this writing as I do hope to see many more miracles come from it


 I have come up with this writing as it has been weighing heavily on my heart. I hope it somehow reaches out to all those families who need it and makes a profound impact in their lives.
Please choose to Never Give UP, no matter what!!! Sometimes it is easier to just walk away and so many people do it. Please, make that extra effort and stick it out, You need to trust me, you won’t be sorry. Life is sometimes worth taking those risks to find true happiness in life.
GOD Bless!!!





F- Facing your loved one who did you wrong
With more of an open mind and heart

O- Opening up your heart more, even though
You don’t think they deserve it from all the pain that they have caused you in your life

R- Refuse to let this hatred rule your mind and heart. This is only causing you sadness and to be an angry person and that my friend is not you!!!

G- Give that loved one another chance, not only once but over and over until something happens. Don’t accept defeat!!!

I- Initiate making contact with your loved one, whether it is by a text, e-mail, face time, face book, skype, a phone call or even coming face to face. With all of this modern technology today I am sure you can come up with a way for this connection to become possible.
I know what may be going on through your mind right now and that is you have tried all this already, right?
No matter, everything worthwhile takes a lot of work and perseverance,
So Don’t give up!!! Stop making excuses for why you may have stopped trying.
GOD is truly loving and forgiving, but HE expects us all to be the same with each other and just think how happy and proud GOD would be if HE saw you actually making those extra efforts to repair
those broken relationships and make amends with your loved one.

V- Voice only kind words, put the past in the past and move forward to start an improved relationship built on faith, that will now last because GOD has become a part of your lives together.

I- Ignore when others are trying to talk you out of doing the right thing. They don’t always know what best is for you, but GOD, Our FATHER sure does!!!

N- Never hold unto grudges, they only weigh you down like a heavy ball and chain causing you not only physical pain, but emotional pain as well, which could put lots of unnecessary strain on your heart.

G- Give respect and eventually you will see through time you could receive the same and a new found chance of happiness with that loved one could now take effect and remain.
This will unfortunately not happen overnight, but try and be patient a little longer, for you have waited this long and so it would be worth it all the while if you choose to hang on even longer. Sometimes life is worth that extra effort that we all put into it.


In forgiving those loved ones who may have done you wrong, you are not only giving that other person a gift, but yourself as well because you are freeing yourself from carrying all of these heavily burdens.
You will also see that your life will be much happier because this joy that you may have been lacking may have been more easily avoided if you had just let your guard down more into forgiving.

Sometime this is one of the most difficult things you may have to do in this life because our pride unfortunately may get in the way and your mind keeps telling you that they don’t deserve it because you have made that extra effort on so many other occasions, but everything worthwhile in life does take that extra effort unfortunately
and life like I know is so very precious and very short
I don’t want any of you living your life with any regrets because I want more for
all of you, for I have come to care about all of you. I am on your side and I want to see you succeed in finding this happiness once again with your loved one. You both owe it to each other. GOD put you in each other’s lives for a reason. You just need to struggle hard to find your way back to each other.

For you see when you choose not to forgive, you are choosing for hatred to live on in your heart and that my friend is like poisoning your body into dying a slow and very painful death.
But on the other hand if you choose to do the noble thing and forgive, well let’s just say you are freeing your soul into loving others and fueling it to receive a lifetime of a future filled with eternal happiness.

Take care and I hope forgiveness finds its way back into your heart, so you can live a life full of happiness to which you deserve!!! GOD Bless!!!

Diane Van Bommel 

(Picture taken by: Heidi Carter, Wardsville, Ontario, Canada)
